Soy Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings

In this article, we’re unraveling the art of creating irresistibly crispy soy garlic ginger chicken wings, baked to perfection!

Who doesn’t love crispy chicken wings? They’re the ultimate crowd-pleaser, perfect for game days, parties, or simply satisfying that craving for some finger-lickin’ goodness.

But hold on tight because we’re about to take your taste buds on an unforgettable journey with a mouthwatering fusion of flavors – soy, garlic, and ginger!

deliciously prepared Soy Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings
in a plate

A Fusion Worth Savoring

Picture this: succulent chicken wings, sticky, sweet, and oh-so-flavorful, boasting the rich notes of soy sauce, the zing of fresh garlic, and the subtle warmth of ginger.

That’s right – it’s the ultimate mouthwatering fusion that’s about to send your taste buds into a joyful dance!

Now, I know what you might be thinking. How can we achieve that crispy goodness without deep frying? Well, fret not!

Our secret lies in the magic of baking – a healthier and equally delicious alternative that’ll leave you wondering why you didn’t try this sooner. So, brace yourself to indulge in guilt-free yumminess!

It’s time to put away the frying pan and embrace the wonders of baking for a satisfying crunch that will keep you coming back for more.

Are you ready to embark on this flavor-filled adventure? Let’s get cooking!

Soy Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings Ingredients

Now that you’re all fired up to bake these delectable soy garlic ginger chicken wings, it’s time to gather our winged warriors – the ingredients!

Let’s take a look at what you’ll need to bring this flavor-packed dish to life.

ingredients in bowls

A Chicken Wing Fiesta

Here’s a rundown of the base ingredients you’ll need:

  • Chicken Wings – Approximately 2 pounds, which will give you around 20-24 wings. Make sure to grab wings with the wingtips removed and the drumettes separated. Nobody wants to fuss with those wingtips!
  • Avocado Oil – 1 tablespoon of this liquid gold will do the trick. You can also substitute with any olive oil you have on hand – both work like a charm.
  • Salt and Pepper – As the backbone of flavor, add these seasonings to taste. A sprinkle of salt and a dash of pepper will elevate your wings to a whole new level of deliciousness!

The Healthier Oil Alternative

Now, let’s talk about why we’re opting for avocado oil. Besides its mild, neutral taste that won’t overpower our fabulous sauce, it’s also an excellent choice for health-conscious folks.

Avocado oil is chock-full of healthy monounsaturated fats, which are great for your heart and overall well-being.

So, we’re keeping the flavor high and the health concerns low – a total win-win!

Seasoning, the Flavor Wizard

Here’s a pro-tip for you: proper seasoning is the key to unlocking maximum flavor! Before we even think about the sauce, we want our chicken wings to be tasty from the get-go.

So, don’t be shy with that salt and pepper. Let it dance on the wings, infusing them with that extra oomph.

After all, the base flavor sets the stage for our soy garlic ginger magic!

Quality Matters

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk chicken. To make the most out of this culinary adventure, it’s essential to pick high-quality chicken wings.

Look for fresh, plump wings, and if you can, opt for free-range or organic chicken.

When you start with quality ingredients, the results are bound to be amazing! Your taste buds will thank you.

The Perfect Wing Feast Awaits

With these essential ingredients in hand, you’re now ready to take the first step toward a feast of crispy, flavorful goodness.

Whether it’s game day, a family gathering, or simply treating yourself to a scrumptious meal, these soy garlic ginger chicken wings are sure to delight all who gather around your table.

So, let’s get those aprons on, ovens preheated, and embark on the quest for the perfect chicken wings!

Next, we’ll delve into creating the magical soy garlic ginger sauce that will have everyone reaching for seconds.

Creating the Flavorful Soy Garlic Ginger Sauce

In our soy garlic ginger chicken wings, the trio of flavors is the heart and soul. They’re not just ingredients; they’re the key to unlocking a taste experience like no other.

Brace yourself for a sauce that’ll make these wings soar to new heights of deliciousness.

Get ready to be blown away because we’re about to unleash the secret to what makes these soy garlic ginger chicken wings truly extraordinary – the sauce!

This mouthwatering concoction of flavors will take your taste buds on a flavor rollercoaster that you won’t want to end.

A Symphony of Flavors

Imagine the sweet and tangy dance of soy sauce, the aromatic allure of fresh garlic, and the gentle warmth of ginger all coming together in a harmonious melody of taste.

That’s what you’ll experience with this sauce. It’s a medley of flavors that will elevate your chicken wings to heavenly heights!

The Perfect Recipe

Now, let’s take a look at what you’ll need to create this magical sauce.

Here are the measurements for the key ingredients:

  • Honey – 1/2 cup of golden sweetness to balance the savory elements.
  • Soy Sauce – 1/4 cup (Feeling adventurous? You can use gluten-free Tamari or coconut aminos as substitutes).
  • Garlic Cloves – 4 large cloves, minced, for that unmistakable garlicky kick.
  • Ginger – 1 tablespoon of finely diced fresh ginger for that aromatic warmth.
  • Water – 1/4 cup to bring all the flavors together and achieve the perfect consistency.

Crafting the Sauce

Now, let’s dive into the sauce-making process. Brace yourself for a delightful culinary adventure that’s as easy as it is delicious!

Step 1: A Simmering Symphony

In a small pot, combine the honey, soy sauce, minced garlic, diced ginger, and water. Bring this delightful medley of ingredients to a gentle boil.

As the kitchen fills with an irresistible aroma, you’ll know you’re on the right track!

Step 2: Reducing for Perfection

Once the sauce reaches a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer. Let it work its magic, simmering and reducing for about 10 minutes.

This process will allow the flavors to meld and intensify, transforming our simple ingredients into a symphony of taste. It’s like turning up the volume on deliciousness!

Step 3: The Art of Consistency

As the sauce simmers, you’ll notice it thickening up slightly. This is precisely what we’re aiming for – a luscious, velvety texture that clings beautifully to our chicken wings.

The sauce will continue to thicken as it cools, making sure each bite is an explosion of flavor. Perfection achieved!

Versatility at Its Best

But wait, here’s the best part – the versatility of this sauce! While it’s the perfect companion for our soy garlic ginger chicken wings, it’s also a star player in other dishes.

You can drizzle it over grilled veggies, use it as a dipping sauce for spring rolls, or even glaze it over roasted tofu.

The possibilities are endless, and every bite will be a flavor-packed adventure!

So, there you have it – the mouthwatering soy garlic ginger sauce that will transform your chicken wings into an extraordinary culinary delight.

Get ready to coat those crispy wings in this ambrosial sauce and savor the explosion of flavors with every bite!

How to Make Soy Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings

Preparing and Baking the Chicken Wings

With the tantalizing sauce ready to go, it’s time to bring our chicken wings to life! Get your aprons on, and let’s dive into the art of preparing and baking these irresistibly crispy soy garlic ginger chicken wings.

Are you ready to witness the magic unfold?

Step 1: Preheat the Oven

The first order of business is preheating the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit (220 degrees Celsius).

It’s like warming up the stage for our chicken wing performance – we want it nice and toasty for the perfect show!

Step 2: Prep the Wings

Before our wings hit the stage (or the oven, in this case), it’s essential to prepare them properly. Take a paper towel and gently blot any moisture from the chicken wings.

We want our wings to bake, not steam, and this step ensures maximum crispiness. Pat them dry, and they’re all set to shine!

Step 3: Toss and Season

In a large mixing bowl, toss the wings with 1 tablespoon of avocado oil (or any olive oil of your choice).

Season them generously with salt and pepper, giving each wing a fair chance to savor the delightful flavors that await. Our wings are now ready for their transformation in the oven!

seasoning the chicken in a bowl

Step 4: Wire Rack Wonder

Here’s a pro-tip for achieving even cooking and glorious crispiness: use a wire rack! Place the wire rack on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and spread the wings out in a single layer on the rack.

This allows hot air to circulate around the wings, ensuring they cook evenly and become delightfully crispy. It’s like a magic trick for perfect wings!

Step 5: Baking Perfection

Pop those wings into the preheated oven and let them work their magic for approximately 45-50 minutes.

Keep an eye on them as they transform from ordinary to extraordinary, achieving that beautiful golden crispiness we crave.

The kitchen will be filled with the mouthwatering aroma, and you’ll know the wings are well on their way to perfection!

seasoned chicken in a baking tray

Step 6: The Sauce Encore

While our wings are cooking to crispy perfection, it’s time for the sauce encore! Take the simmered and reduced soy garlic ginger sauce, and give it a quick stir.

Once the wings are done baking, we’ll toss them in this glorious sauce for that final flavor crescendo. Prepare for an explosion of taste!

Crispy Without Deep Frying

Now, you might be wondering how we achieve that ultimate crispiness without deep frying. We’ve got two tricks up our sleeve!

Parboil the Chicken Before Baking – Bring a large pot of water to a boil and cook the chicken wings in it for about 10 minutes.

This helps remove excess fat from the skin, creating a thinner layer that crisps up beautifully in the oven. Drain and pat the wings dry for maximum crunchiness.

Coat the Wings in Baking Powder – For an extra punch of crispiness, lightly coat the wings with 1 tablespoon of baking powder (not baking soda) before baking.

It works like magic, giving your wings that coveted crunch without the deep-frying fuss.

A Crispy Finale

And there you have it – our crispy chicken wing masterpiece is almost complete! All that’s left is to toss those golden wings in our delectable soy garlic ginger sauce, giving them that final flourish of flavor.

Get ready to dig into a plate of wings that are equal parts crispy, saucy, and downright irresistible!

Get ready to impress your friends and family with your culinary prowess as you serve up these flavor-packed wings. Trust me; they’ll be asking for seconds!

Why Baked Wings Can be Just as Delicious

A Crispiness Revelation

You might have heard that deep-frying is the only path to achieving that coveted crispy exterior on chicken wings.

Well, hold on to your aprons, because we’re here to challenge that notion! Baking these wings can be just as delightful, if not more so, when done right.

A Healthier Approach

One of the most significant benefits of baking your chicken wings is the healthier aspect.

Say goodbye to excess oil and hello to a guilt-free indulgence! By opting for baking, you’ll reduce the amount of saturated fat, making these wings a more heart-friendly option for you and your loved ones. Plus, your waistline will thank you too!

Less Mess, More Fun

Let’s be honest – deep-frying can be a messy affair. The sizzling oil, the splatters, and the lingering aroma – it’s not for everyone.

Baking, on the other hand, is a breeze! With just a wire rack and a baking sheet, you’re all set for crispy success without turning your kitchen into a greasy battlefield.

Less mess means more time to enjoy your delicious creation!

The Secret to Extra Crunch

Now, you might be wondering how we achieve that extra crunch without the frying process. Well, we have not one but two fabulous tricks up our sleeves!

The first is parboiling – a quick dip in boiling water that helps render some of the excess fat from the skin, leaving you with a thinner layer that crisps up beautifully in the oven.

Talk about the best of both worlds – crispy and healthier!

The second trick is baking powder! Yes, you read that right. A light dusting of baking powder (not baking soda!) on the wings creates a golden, crunchy crust that will have you wondering why you never tried this before.

These two methods are like a secret handshake between you and perfectly crispy wings – you’re in for a treat!

Healthier without Compromising Taste

But wait, does baking mean compromising on taste? Absolutely not! Baking these soy garlic ginger chicken wings brings out the flavors in all their glory, without drowning them in oil.

The sauce still clings to every nook and cranny, infusing each bite with that incredible fusion of sweet, tangy, and aromatic goodness.

Trust us, your taste buds won’t know the difference, but your body will thank you!

So, fear not the baking sheet, and let’s celebrate the deliciousness of these baked wings.

Your taste buds will dance with delight, and you’ll revel in the knowledge that you’re savoring a healthier version without sacrificing an ounce of flavor. It’s a win-win situation!

Ready for the baking magic? Let’s move on to the next step and create these scrumptious soy garlic ginger chicken wings that’ll leave everyone asking for the recipe!

Serving Suggestions and Dipping Sauce

Congratulations, you’ve mastered the art of creating irresistibly crispy soy garlic ginger chicken wings!

Now, it’s time to unveil your culinary masterpiece and delight your guests with a feast that’s bound to be a hit.

Whether it’s game day, a family gathering, or a casual party, these wings will steal the show!

Perfect Pairs

To complement our mouthwatering chicken wings, let’s talk about some fantastic pairing options that will take your spread to the next level. You can’t go wrong with these delightful companions:

  • Veggie Medley – Slice up some fresh celery sticks, cucumbers, and bell peppers for a colorful and crunchy veggie platter.

The cool, crisp veggies will provide a refreshing balance to the savory goodness of the wings. Dip them in the sauce for an extra burst of flavor!

  • Crunchy Slaw – A zesty slaw is the perfect sidekick to our wings. The combination of crunchy cabbage, grated carrots, and a tangy dressing creates a harmony of textures and flavors. It’s a match made in foodie heaven!
  • Party Appetizers Galore – Take your party spread to new heights with an array of appetizers. Spring rolls, dumplings, or even some crispy tofu bites will all thrive in the embrace of our soy garlic ginger sauce. Guests will love exploring the diverse flavors!

Looking for additional party appetizer ideas to accompany your chicken wings? Simply slice up some crisp veggies like celery, cucumbers, or bell peppers, and pair them with a luscious hummus dip.

Dip, Dip, Hooray!

Now, let’s talk dipping sauce. While our soy garlic ginger chicken wings are already bursting with flavor, you can elevate the experience even further with a quick and easy dipping sauce.

Here’s a delightful recipe:

Soy Garlic Ginger Dipping Sauce


  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon finely diced fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon water


In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, honey, minced garlic, diced ginger, and water.

Let the flavors meld for a few minutes, and there you have it – a scrumptious dipping sauce that will take your wings to new heights of delight!

Explore and Customize

Now, here’s the fun part – exploring different variations of the sauce! While our soy garlic ginger sauce is already a flavor sensation, feel free to experiment and make it your own:

  • Spice It Up – For a bit of heat, add a dash of chili flakes or a splash of Sriracha to the sauce. It’ll give your wings an extra kick of spiciness that chili lovers will adore!
  • Citrus Twist – A squeeze of lime or orange juice can add a delightful citrusy zing to the sauce. It’s a refreshing twist that pairs beautifully with the savory elements.
  • Sesame Sensation – A sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds will lend a nutty aroma and delightful crunch to your sauce. It’s a small addition that makes a big impact!

However, if you’re aiming to create a spread of party appetizers, here are some beloved reader-recommended recipes!

Air Fryer Option for Crispy Wings

Ah, the wonders of modern technology – and the air fryer is no exception! This magical appliance has taken the culinary world by storm, promising crispy goodness without the excess oil.

If you’re lucky enough to own an air fryer or are considering getting one, we’ve got a treat for you!

Lemon Pepper Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Before we dive into the air fryer adaptation for our soy garlic ginger chicken wings, let’s take a moment to tantalize your taste buds with another delightful recipe.

If you’re a fan of lemony zest and crave that crispy perfection, you won’t want to miss our Lemon Pepper Air Fryer Chicken Wings. They’re a citrusy delight that will keep you reaching for seconds!

Wings in the Air Fryer

Now, let’s talk about transforming our soy garlic ginger chicken wings into an air fryer masterpiece. The good news is that it’s easy and oh-so-delicious! Here are some tips to make the magic happen:

Tip 1: Adapt the Temperature and Time

When using the air fryer, you’ll want to adjust the temperature and cooking time slightly. Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius).

Since the air fryer circulates hot air around the food, it cooks faster than traditional ovens.

Reduce the cooking time to around 20-25 minutes, flipping the wings halfway through for even crispiness. Air fryers are all about efficiency!

Tip 2: Keep Them Crisp

To achieve that ultimate crispiness in the air fryer, a light coating of cooking spray on the wings can do wonders.

It’ll help them achieve that golden, crunchy exterior you love without adding excess oil. Your taste buds will be none the wiser!

Healthy and Convenient

One of the biggest advantages of the air fryer is its health benefits. It requires little to no oil, which means you can enjoy your favorite crispy treats guilt-free.

Plus, it’s a time-saving hero! With faster cooking times, it’s perfect for those busy days when you’re craving a tasty meal without the hassle.

A Feast Fit for Any Kitchen

Whether you choose to bake our soy garlic ginger chicken wings or opt for the air fryer route, you’re in for a culinary adventure that will satisfy your cravings and delight your taste buds.

So, go ahead and pick the method that suits your kitchen best – the results will be equally divine!

As you embark on this flavorful journey, feel free to explore the delicious possibilities of your air fryer.

From chicken wings to fries and beyond, it’s a versatile kitchen companion that will keep your taste buds singing!


As we part ways, dear readers, I encourage each and every one of you to embark on your own culinary adventure with soy garlic ginger chicken wings.

Be it for game day, a family gathering, or simply a delicious dinner, these wings are sure to be a hit with all.

Let the aroma of soy, garlic, and ginger fill your kitchen, and let your taste buds rejoice in the explosion of flavors!

With soy garlic ginger chicken wings, the adventure never truly ends. There’s always a new sauce to try, a different cooking method to explore, and a fresh flavor combination to savor.

So, get ready to unleash your culinary creativity and take these wings to soaring heights!

With every bite, you’ll be reminded that food is not merely sustenance; it’s an expression of joy, passion, and love.

Thank you for joining me on this delectable journey. As you venture forth with soy garlic ginger chicken wings in your culinary arsenal, I wish you happy cooking, happy eating, and happy sharing!

Don’t hesitate to experiment, customize, and create your flavorful twists. And most importantly, share your culinary triumphs with the community!

We’re eager to hear about your successes, your creative adaptations, and the joy these wings bring to your table.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes soy garlic ginger chicken wings so special?

These wings are a crispy delight, marrying the irresistible flavors of soy, garlic, and ginger for a sweet and savory explosion in every bite.

Can I achieve the same crispiness without deep frying?

Absolutely! Baking these wings in the oven on a wire rack achieves a crispy exterior without the mess and extra oil.

How can I explore different global adaptations of this dish?

Dive into street food culture in Asia or venture into fusion restaurants that put unique spins on this classic recipe.

What are some suggested pairings for these wings?

You can enjoy these wings with fresh veggies like celery and bell peppers or alongside a zesty slaw for a balanced and satisfying meal.

What’s the essence of this culinary journey?

It’s about celebrating flavors, embracing creativity, and sharing the joy of food with your loved ones and fellow flavor enthusiasts.

Can I try a different cooking method, like air frying?

Absolutely! An air fryer is a fantastic alternative. Adjust the temperature and time, and you’ll have crispy wings with a healthier touch.

Soy Garlic Ginger Chicken Wings

PREP TIME :10 minutes
COOK TIME :45 minutes
TOTAL TIME :55 minutes
servings4 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Chicken wings, sticky and sweet, boasting the rich notes of soy sauce, the zing of fresh garlic, and the subtle warmth of ginger.



  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/3 cup   soy sauce, see notes below
  • garlic cloves,  minced
  • tablespoon ginger,  finely diced
  • 1/4  cup water


  • pounds  chicken wings,  tips removed, and drumettes separated (24-26 chicken wings)
  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil
  • salt and pepper,  to taste


  • Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Eliminate any moisture from the chicken wings using a paper towel.
  • Coat the wings with oil, salt, and pepper.
  • Prepare a baking sheet by covering it with parchment paper and setting a wire rack on top. Arrange the wings in a single layer on the baking sheet.
  • Bake for 40-45 minutes until the wings turn crispy.
  • While the wings are baking, create the sauce. Combine honey, soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and water in a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil and then lower the heat, allowing it to simmer for about 10 minutes, or until it becomes slightly reduced and thickened.
  • Take the sauce off the heat and allow it to cool. It will continue to thicken as it cools down.
  • Once the wings are done baking, take them out of the oven. Coat the wings with the prepared sauce and return them to the oven on the baking sheet for an additional 10 minutes.


Sodium: 1173mgCalcium: 27mgVitamin C: 2mgVitamin A: 180IUSugar: 47gFiber: 1gPotassium: 273mgCholesterol: 94mgCalories: 492kcalSaturated Fat: 6gFat: 23gProtein: 25gCarbohydrates: 49gIron: 2mg
COURSE: Appetizer
CUISINE: American,asian
Keyword air fryer chicken wings, baked chicken wings, soy ginger chicken wings
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.