Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

Hey there, soup aficionados! Today, we’re diving into the delicious world of Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup.

If you’ve never tried this savory, heartwarming concoction, get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that’ll leave your taste buds dancing.

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup in a bowl

And if you’re already a fan, well, you’re about to fall in love with it all over again.

Overview of Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

Let’s start with the basics. Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup is a comforting, tomato-based soup infused with the smoky sweetness of roasted red bell peppers.

It’s a classic that’s beloved for its rich, velvety texture and a flavor profile that strikes a perfect balance between tangy tomatoes and the gentle heat of red peppers.

But what makes this soup truly special is its versatility. You can savor it on its own, pair it with your favorite side dishes, or even dress it up for a fancy dinner party.

Whether you’re a novice in the kitchen or a seasoned chef, this soup recipe is your ticket to culinary stardom.

Now, let’s get down to business and uncover the magic behind this delightful soup.

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup Ingredients

Let’s gather our culinary troops, shall we? Here’s what you’ll need to whip up a steaming pot of Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup:

red peppers and tomatoes in a tray
  • Red Bell Peppers: These vibrant, scarlet gems are the stars of the show. They bring a sweet and smoky flavor that sets the foundation for our soup.
  • Tomatoes: Fresh, ripe tomatoes lend their bright acidity and a burst of red color to the mix.
  • Onions: A couple of onions, chopped to perfection, add depth and a hint of sweetness to the soup.
  • Garlic: Because, well, garlic makes everything better, right? A few cloves of garlic will do the trick.
  • Broth (Vegetable or Chicken): To transform our veggies into a hearty soup, we’ll need vegetable or chicken broth. It’s the liquid gold that ties everything together.
  • Herbs and Spices: This is where the real magic happens. A medley of herbs and spices like basil, thyme, paprika, and a pinch of red pepper flakes adds layers of flavor to our soup.

Optional Ingredients for Customization

Now, if you’re feeling a bit fancy or want to put your personal spin on this classic, consider these optional additions:

  • Cream or Dairy Alternatives: To make it creamy and dreamy, add a swirl of heavy cream or go dairy-free with coconut milk or almond milk.
  • Croutons or Garnishes: Top your bowl with homemade croutons for that satisfying crunch, or sprinkle fresh herbs like parsley or chives for an extra burst of freshness.
  • Roasted Vegetables: Elevate your soup by roasting some extra veggies like carrots or zucchini and toss them in for added texture and flavor.
  • Protein Additions (e.g., Grilled Chicken, Shrimp): Feeling a bit more substantial? Throw in some grilled chicken or succulent shrimp to turn this soup into a complete meal.

Now that we’ve got our ingredients sorted, it’s time to uncover the health benefits of this delectable soup. Yes, you read that right, it’s not just about flavor; it’s about feeling good too!

How to Make Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

Now that we’ve got our ingredients assembled and roles assigned, it’s time to put everything together and create a delightful pot of Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup.

Follow these steps:

Roasting Red Peppers

  • Place your red bell peppers on a baking sheet and broil them until the skin turns black and blistered. This usually takes about 15-20 minutes.
  • Transfer the roasted peppers to a paper bag and let them steam for a few minutes. This makes peeling the skin easier. Once they’ve cooled down, peel and chop them into small pieces.
Roasted Red Peppers on a tray

Preparing Tomatoes

  • While the peppers are roasting, prepare your tomatoes. Score a small “X” on the bottom of each tomato and blanch them in boiling water for about a minute.
  • This blanching step makes the skin easy to peel. After blanching, chop the tomatoes and set them aside.

Sautéing Onions and Garlic

  • In a large pot, heat some olive oil over medium heat. Add the finely chopped onions and sauté until they become translucent and fragrant.
  • Now, add the minced garlic and cook for another minute or so until it fills your kitchen with its irresistible aroma.

Simmering and Blending

  • Reunite the roasted red peppers and chopped tomatoes with the onion and garlic mixture in the pot.
  • Pour in your vegetable or chicken broth, and sprinkle in those aromatic herbs and spices we love. Bring it all to a gentle simmer.
  • Let the flavors meld together by allowing the mixture to simmer for about 20-25 minutes.
  • Using a blender, puree the soup until it’s silky smooth. Be cautious with hot soup and blenders—blend in batches if necessary, and always secure the lid.
combining the ingredients in a pot

Season to Perfection

Taste your soup and adjust the seasoning with a pinch of salt and pepper. Remember, you can always add more, so go easy at first.

Serve and Enjoy

Ladle your soup into bowls, and get ready for a delightful dining experience. Garnish with your choice of toppings, and pair it with your favorite sides.

With this step-by-step guide, you’re well on your way to creating a delicious batch of Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup. Don’t forget to have fun in the kitchen and enjoy the culinary journey!

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Consistency and Flavor

Now, about that perfect bowl of Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup – we’ve got some pro tips for you:

  • Season Wisely: Taste your soup and adjust the seasoning. A pinch of salt and pepper can work wonders, but don’t overdo it. You can always add more later.
  • Creamy or Chunky: If you prefer your soup creamier, add a swirl of heavy cream or a dairy-free alternative during the blending stage. For those who love a bit of texture, leave some chunks of red pepper for that delightful bite.
  • Simmer with Love: Patience pays off in the world of soup-making. Letting your soup simmer allows the flavors to intensify and meld, resulting in a more flavorful outcome.

Alternative Cooking Methods

Don’t have time to babysit your stovetop? No worries! You can still enjoy this soup with these alternative cooking methods:

  • Slow Cooker: Simply dump all your ingredients into your trusty slow cooker, set it to low, and let it do its thing for 6-8 hours. When you come back, you’ll have a fragrant pot of soup ready to blend.
  • Instant Pot: The Instant Pot is a game-changer for busy souls. Sauté your onions and garlic in the pot, then toss in the rest of the ingredients. Pressure cook for about 10 minutes, and voilà – soup in a flash!

With these methods in your back pocket, you can enjoy your Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup without breaking a sweat.

Health Benefits

You might be wondering, can something that tastes this good also be good for you? The answer is a resounding “yes!” Our Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup packs some impressive health benefits under its savory belt.

Nutritional Profile of Red Peppers and Tomatoes

Let’s start with the stars of the show: red peppers and tomatoes. These veggies bring a powerhouse of nutrients to the table.

Red peppers are loaded with Vitamin C, while tomatoes are a great source of Vitamins A and K.

Plus, they both bring antioxidants to the party, which are like little superheroes fighting off harmful free radicals in your body.

Antioxidant Properties

Speaking of antioxidants, they’re not only good for your overall health but can also give your skin a healthy glow.

So, not only will this soup satisfy your taste buds, but it might just give you that radiant complexion you’ve been dreaming of.

Low-Calorie and Low-Fat Attributes

Now, here’s the kicker – despite its creamy and indulgent texture, Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup is surprisingly low in calories and fat. So, you can enjoy a bowl (or two) guilt-free.

Potential Health Benefits of Consuming this Soup

The combination of red peppers and tomatoes is believed to support heart health, boost your immune system, and even aid in weight management. Plus, the cozy warmth of this soup can soothe your soul on a chilly day.

Variations and Adaptations

So, you’ve mastered the art of the classic Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup.

Congratulations! But guess what? The culinary adventure doesn’t end there. Let’s explore some exciting variations and adaptations to keep your taste buds entertained.

Creamy Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

For those who crave an extra velvety experience, go creamy! Add a splash of heavy cream or coconut milk during the blending stage.

The result? A lusciously smooth and indulgent soup that feels like a warm hug from the inside.

Spicy Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

Ready to turn up the heat? Spice things up by adding a pinch of red pepper flakes or a dash of hot sauce. It’ll give your soup a fiery kick that’s perfect for those who love a little heat.

Vegan and Dairy-Free Options

Vegans and lactose-intolerant friends, we’ve got you covered. Substitute dairy with almond milk, coconut milk, or your favorite non-dairy alternative. The result is just as creamy and satisfying.

Mediterranean-Inspired Variations

Transport your taste buds to the Mediterranean with some Mediterranean-inspired twists.

Add a drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of feta cheese, and a handful of kalamata olives. You’ll have a soup that’s reminiscent of sunny Greek islands.

Creative Twists on the Classic Recipe

Feeling adventurous? Get creative! Add ingredients like roasted garlic, sun-dried tomatoes, or even a touch of balsamic vinegar for a unique spin on the classic. The possibilities are endless.

Pairings and Combinations

Perfect Wine Pairings

If you’re sipping wine with your soup, here are some excellent pairings:

  • Chardonnay: Its buttery notes complement the creamy versions of this soup.
  • Merlot: The fruity and slightly spicy profile harmonizes with the sweet, smoky flavors.
  • Sauvignon Blanc: A crisp Sauvignon Blanc cuts through the richness and refreshes your palate.

Complementary Side Dishes

Want to make your meal more substantial? Consider these side dishes:

  • Grilled Cheese Sandwich: The classic combo for a reason. Dip that cheesy goodness into your soup.
  • Caesar Salad: The crisp, tangy greens make a perfect partner.
  • Pasta: Serve a small portion of pasta on the side for a hearty meal.

Serving and Presentation

Ideal Serving Temperature

Before we get to the exciting part – eating – let’s talk temperature. This soup is at its prime when served hot but not scalding.

Think of it as a warm, cozy hug in a bowl. So, make sure it’s steaming but not lava-hot.

Garnishing Options for an Attractive Presentation

Want to impress your guests or just treat yourself to a visually appealing bowl? Here are some garnishing ideas:

  • Fresh Herbs: Sprinkle some chopped basil, parsley, or chives on top. Not only do they add a pop of color, but they also bring a burst of fresh flavor.
  • Cream Swirl: If you opted for cream, create a beautiful swirl on the surface. It’s like a work of art in your bowl.
  • Crunchy Croutons: Homemade croutons are a game-changer. They provide that irresistible crunch that contrasts perfectly with the smooth soup.

Suggested Accompaniments

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup is a star on its own, but it loves company too. Here are some accompaniments to consider:

  • Bread: A crusty baguette or warm garlic bread makes for an excellent sidekick. You can dip, dunk, or savor it between spoonfuls of soup.
  • Crackers: A handful of your favorite crackers adds a delightful crunch. Try whole-grain or cheesy options for a twist.
  • Salad: Want to keep things light? Pair your soup with a fresh garden salad. The contrast of flavors and textures is simply divine.

Serving Suggestions for Different Occasions

Tailor your presentation to suit the occasion:

  • Casual Dinners: Keep it simple with a rustic bowl and a side of crusty bread.
  • Elegant Gatherings: Serve in delicate soup bowls, garnished with fresh herbs and accompanied by wine or champagne.

Storage and Reheating

Made more soup than you can finish in one sitting? No worries, we’ve got you covered.

  • Storing Leftover Soup: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It’ll stay fresh for up to 3-4 days.
  • Safe Reheating Methods: When you’re ready for round two, reheat your soup on the stove over low to medium heat, stirring occasionally. You can also use the microwave, but be sure to cover it to avoid splatters.
  • Tips for Preserving Flavor and Texture: To maintain that fresh flavor and velvety texture, add a splash of broth or water while reheating. This will bring your soup back to its original glory.


Well, there you have it – the ultimate guide to Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup.

From mastering the classic recipe to exploring creative variations and pairing options, you’re now equipped to dazzle your taste buds and impress your dinner guests.

But remember, cooking is an art, and the most crucial ingredient is your passion. So, roll up your sleeves, put on that apron, and let your culinary creativity shine.

Whether you’re enjoying a cozy night in or hosting a grand dinner, this soup has the power to elevate any occasion.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to hit the kitchen, whip up a batch of this soul-warming goodness, and create unforgettable moments, one spoonful at a time. Happy cooking and even happier savoring!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I freeze Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup?

Yes, you can freeze it. Store in airtight containers and it will keep for up to 3 months.

Is this soup suitable for vegetarians?

Absolutely! Use vegetable broth and skip the dairy to make it vegetarian-friendly.

Can I make it ahead of time for a dinner party?

Yes, you can prepare it in advance and reheat it just before serving.

Can I use canned tomatoes instead of fresh ones?

Yes, canned tomatoes work well. Just make sure they’re of good quality.

How do I make it spicier without overpowering the flavor?

Add a pinch of red pepper flakes or hot sauce gradually, tasting as you go to achieve your desired level of spiciness.

What’s the best way to store croutons for garnish?

Keep them in an airtight container at room temperature to maintain their crispiness.

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup in a bowl

Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

PREP TIME :10 minutes
COOK TIME :30 minutes
TOTAL TIME :40 minutes
servings4 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Roasted red pepper and tomato soup is a comforting, tomato-based soup infused with the smoky sweetness of roasted red bell peppers


  • red bell peppers
  • large tomatoes
  • small onion
  • garlic cloves
  • 6 ounces tomato paste
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • tsp  dried basil
  • 1 1/2 cups water or stock
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  • olive oil
  • black pepper
  • hemp seeds
  • fresh basil


  • Preheat the broiler in your oven.
  • Halve the red bell peppers, tomatoes, and onion. Remove the seeds and stems from the bell peppers, the tomato stems, and the outer onion peel. Next, arrange them on a baking tray and drizzle olive oil over the vegetables, then season them with salt and pepper. Use your fingers to ensure the oil and seasoning coat both sides of the vegetables.
  • Roast the vegetables for 25-30 minutes until the top side becomes charred.
  • Using tongs, place the bell pepper halves in a glass bowl, cover them with plastic wrap, and let them steam for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Once the other vegetables have cooled enough to handle, peel off their skins and transfer them to your Vitamix or high-powered blender. You should also easily remove the garlic cloves from their skin.
  • Add tomato paste, balsamic vinegar, dried basil, and water (or stock) to your blender. Blend everything on high until it reaches a smooth consistency.
  • At this point, the soup will be warm. If you desire it hotter, blend for an additional 4-5 minutes; the friction from the Vitamix blades will heat it up.
  • Before serving, optionally garnish as desired.


Sodium: 353mgCalcium: 53mgVitamin C: 177.1mgVitamin A: 5145IUSugar: 14gFiber: 5gPotassium: 956mgCalories: 201kcalSaturated Fat: 1gFat: 11gProtein: 4gCarbohydrates: 23gIron: 2.4mg
CUISINE: American
Keyword red pepper soup, roasted red pepper soup
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.