How to Peel and Cut Butternut Squash

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Butternut squash is both delightful and adaptable, yet this beautifully contoured vegetable can appear daunting to handle.

Here’s the simplest method for safely peeling and slicing butternut squash.

neatly diced Butternut Squash

How to Choose a Ripe Butternut Squash

If you’ve ever wandered through the produce section, eyeing that beautiful butternut squash, wondering which one to pick, you’re in the right place.

Choosing the perfect butternut squash can make a world of difference in your culinary adventures.

So, let’s dive right in and learn how to select the ripest, cream-of-the-crop butternut squash.

Picking the Right Squash

First things first, we need to find a butternut squash that’s ripe and ready to be transformed into a mouthwatering dish.

Look for one that has a deep, even tan or beige color. You know you’re on the right track when it’s free from any major blemishes or dark spots. A little scuff or scratch here and there is no biggie, though.

perfect Butternut Squash

Size Matters

Size-wise, aim for a squash that feels heavy for its size. That extra weight indicates a squash packed with sweet, flavorful flesh. We’re all about that deliciousness, right?

Check the Neck

Yep, you heard it right – check the neck. Butternut squash has a distinct shape, with a bulbous end and a long, slender neck.

The neck is where the magic happens, as it’s usually the meatiest part. So, give it a gentle squeeze. If it feels firm but yields slightly to pressure, you’re in business.

Skin Deep

Lastly, give the skin a little scratch or press with your fingernail. If it’s easy to pierce or leaves a mark, that’s a good sign that the squash is ripe and ready to grace your dinner table.

Now that you’ve picked out the perfect butternut squash, let’s move on to making it even easier to work with:

How to Soften Butternut Squash Skin

So, you’ve got your hands on a beautiful butternut squash, but that tough, gnarly skin seems like it could put up a fight. Don’t worry; we’ve got some tricks up our sleeves to soften it up.

A Quick Microwave Trick

One of the easiest ways to tame that skin is by giving it a quick spin in the microwave.

Grab a microwave-safe dish, pierce the squash with a fork a few times (so it doesn’t explode), and zap it for about 2-3 minutes. This will make it way more cooperative when it comes to peeling.

Roasting Magic

If you’re planning to roast your squash, you can skip the microwave step. Simply cut it in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds (we’ll talk about that in the next section), and drizzle a bit of olive oil on the cut sides.

Roast it in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 30-40 minutes or until it’s fork-tender. The skin will practically peel itself off after roasting.

How to Peel Butternut Squash

Alright, folks, we’re almost there! You’ve chosen the perfect butternut squash and softened up that stubborn skin. Now, it’s time to peel it like a pro.

Tools of the Trade

Before we dive in, let’s talk tools. You can use a good ol’ vegetable peeler or a sharp knife. If you’re going for the peeler, make sure it’s got a comfortable grip, and if you’re wielding a knife, keep it sharp for smooth sailing.

Step 1: Get a Stable Base

Safety first! Slice off a thin piece from both ends of the squash to create flat, stable surfaces. This will prevent any wobbling and keep things safe and steady.

Step 2: Stand it Up

Now, stand your squash upright on one of its flat ends. It’s like giving it a little butternut pep talk before the big peel!

Step 3: Peel Away

Hold the squash with one hand and start peeling from the top (near the neck) to the bottom (toward the bulbous end).

Apply gentle pressure, and the skin should come off smoothly. Rotate the squash as needed, but watch those fingers!

peeling the  Butternut Squash

Step 4: Check Your Work

Once you’ve peeled the whole squash, give it a quick look. Make sure you’ve removed all the skin, including any greenish parts. You want that vibrant orange flesh to shine through.

Step 5: Ready to Cook

Congratulations! You’ve successfully peeled your butternut squash. Now it’s ready to be sliced, diced, or cubed for your favorite recipes. Speaking of which, let’s move on to the final step – how to cut this beauty into perfect pieces.

How to Cut Butternut Squash – in 5 Easy Steps

Welcome to the grand finale, where we tackle the art of cutting butternut squash like a culinary champ.

In just five simple steps, you’ll be on your way to creating delicious dishes with this versatile veggie.

Step 1: Chop Off the Ends

Just like in the peeling process, start by slicing off both ends of the squash to create flat surfaces. These ends can be a bit tough, so they’ve got to go.

Step 2: Halve It

Now, cut the squash in half where the neck meets the bulbous part. You’ll end up with two manageable pieces.

Step 3: Remove the Seeds

Grab a spoon and scoop out the seeds and stringy bits from the bulbous end. You can save the seeds for roasting later if you’re feeling fancy.

scooping out the seeds

Step 4: Slice or Dice

Decide if you want slices or cubes. For slices, simply cut the squash into rings of your preferred thickness. If you’re going for cubes, slice the rings into strips and then chop them into bite-sized pieces.

Step 5: Voilà!

And there you have it, friends! Your butternut squash is now beautifully sliced or diced and ready to be tossed into soups, roasted for a side dish, or used in any recipe your heart desires.

With these five easy steps, you’ve unlocked the secret to conquering the butternut squash. Now go forth, experiment, and enjoy the delicious results in your favorite dishes. Happy cooking!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose a ripe butternut squash?

Look for even tan or beige skin, without major blemishes.
Choose a squash that feels heavy for its size.
Check the neck – it should yield slightly when gently squeezed.
Test the skin – it should be easy to pierce or leave a mark.

Can I soften butternut squash skin in the microwave?

Yes, you can! Pierce the squash, microwave for 2-3 minutes, and it’ll be easier to peel.

What if I’m roasting the squash?

No need to microwave it first. Cut it in half, scoop out seeds, and roast at 400°F (200°C) until fork-tender.

What tools do I need to peel butternut squash?

You can use a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife.

How do I peel butternut squash?

Create flat ends, stand it up, and peel from top to bottom with gentle pressure.

How do I cut butternut squash into cubes or slices?

Chop off both ends, halve it, remove seeds, and then slice or dice as desired.

neatly diced Butternut Squash

How to Peel and Cut Butternut Squash

PREP TIME :15 minutes
COOK TIME :45 minutes
TOTAL TIME :1 hour
servings4 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Butternut squash is both delightful and adaptable, yet this beautifully contoured vegetable can appear daunting to handle.


  • butternut squash


  • chef's knife


  • Place the butternut squash horizontally and trim off both ends. Remove approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the top and bottom of the squash.
  • Separate the bulbous end from the squash, resulting in two distinct pieces.
  • Utilizing a Y-shaped peeler, remove the outer skin.
  • Stand each piece vertically on its flat side. Slice them lengthwise and use a spoon to scoop out the seeds, which you can either discard or keep for roasting.
  • Position each piece with its flat, cut side down, and cut them into strips of your preferred thickness.
  • Stack a couple of strips together, then proceed to slice and dice them into cubes.


Sodium: 30mgCalcium: 360mgVitamin C: 157.5mgVitamin A: 79725IUSugar: 16.5gFiber: 15gPotassium: 2640mgCalories: 337.5kcalSaturated Fat: 0.16gFat: 0.75gProtein: 7.5gCarbohydrates: 87.68gIron: 5.25mg
COURSE: Side Dish
CUISINE: American
Keyword how to cut butternut squash, how to peel and cut butternut squash, how to peel butternut squash, how to roast butternut squash
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.