How to Cook Bacon in the Oven

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! If you’re anything like me, you’ll agree that there’s nothing quite like the sizzle of bacon in the morning.

It’s a breakfast staple that can turn even the grumpiest morning person into a happy camper. But have you ever considered cooking bacon in the oven? Trust me; it’s a game-changer!

oven baked bacon on a wire rack

So why should you give oven-cooked bacon a try? Well, for starters, it’s virtually mess-free. No more dodging those grease splatters like a ninja!

Plus, oven cooking gives you that perfect, crispy bacon without all the flipping and fussing. And, as if you needed another reason, your kitchen will smell like a bacon wonderland.

Ingredients and Tools For Cooking Bacon in the Oven

Choosing the Right Bacon

Not all bacon is created equal, and the type you choose can make or break your bacon experience. I prefer the thick-cut variety for that perfect balance of crispy and chewy. But if you like it super crispy, go for the thin slices. No judgment here; it’s all about personal taste.

sliced bacon pieces in a plate

List of Necessary Tools

  • Baking Sheet: A sturdy one that can handle the heat.
  • Aluminum Foil: For easy cleanup.
  • Wire Rack (Optional): To elevate your bacon game.
  • Tongs: For flipping the bacon.
  • Oven Mitts: Safety first!

With your tools and bacon ready, it’s time to prep for cooking. Let’s move on to the next step!

How to Cook Bacon in the Oven

Preparing the Bacon

  • Preheating the Oven: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). This ensures a quick and even cooking process. Your bacon will thank you for it.
  • Line or Prep the Baking Sheet: Line your baking sheet with aluminum foil for easy cleanup. If you’re using a wire rack, place it on top of the sheet. This elevates the bacon and lets the fat drip away for extra crispiness.
  • Bacon Layout Techniques: Now comes the fun part – arranging your bacon slices on the baking sheet or wire rack. Make sure they don’t overlap. This way, they’ll cook evenly, and you’ll have picture-perfect bacon strips in the end.
bacon slices in a baking tray

With your bacon neatly laid out, you’re all set to dive into the cooking process. Time to get your bacon fix the easy way!

Cooking Process

  • Temperature and Timing: Pop that baking sheet into the preheated oven and set your timer for 15-20 minutes. Keep an eye on it, and your bacon will be perfectly crispy when it’s golden brown. The exact time may vary based on your oven, so keep an eye out.
crispy bacon in a tray
  • Flipping vs. No Flipping: Here’s the beauty of oven cooking – you don’t have to flip your bacon! It cooks evenly on both sides, saving you time and effort. Just sit back and enjoy the tantalizing aroma filling your kitchen.
  • Using a Rack for Even Cooking: If you’re using a wire rack, it’s like giving your bacon a spa day. The fat drips away, leaving your bacon strips super crispy. It’s a little extra effort, but oh, the rewards!

What to Do With Bacon Grease?

You’ve just cooked up a batch of delicious bacon, and now you’re left with a pool of flavorful bacon grease. Don’t let it go to waste! Here are some clever uses:

  • Cooking Aid: Save it for frying or sautéing. Bacon grease adds a rich, smoky flavor to dishes like fried eggs, potatoes, or veggies.
  • Flavor Booster: Mix it into recipes that call for a burst of flavor, like salad dressings or even popcorn. Bacon-infused snacks, anyone?
  • Season Cast Iron Pans: Use it to season cast iron cookware, creating a natural non-stick surface that gets better with time.

And there you have it! Your bacon will soon be sizzling, crispy, and oh-so-delicious.

Safety and Tips

Now that we’ve got our bacon in the oven, let’s talk about staying safe and avoiding any breakfast catastrophes.

Avoiding Bacon Splatter: Bacon can get a little sizzly, and no one wants hot grease flying around. To prevent this, use a baking sheet with edges to catch any stray drips. Safety first, bacon lovers!

Oven-Safe Alternatives to Traditional Pans: Not a fan of bacon splatter? You can also use an oven-safe dish with a lid. It’ll keep the bacon enclosed, so there’s no need to worry about a messy stovetop.

Monitoring and Adjusting Cooking Time: Keep a close eye on your bacon as it cooks. Oven temperatures can vary, so be ready to adjust the cooking time if needed. Nobody wants burnt bacon, right?

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Before you go bacon-crazy, let’s talk about a few common pitfalls and how to dodge them.

Overcooking: You don’t want your crispy bacon to turn into crispy crumbs. Overcooking can make it dry and burnt. Keep a close eye on it, and remember, it continues to cook a bit after you take it out of the oven.

Undercooking: On the flip side, undercooked bacon can be chewy and a little unappetizing. Make sure it’s golden brown and sufficiently crispy. Adjust your cooking time if needed.

Unevenly Cooked Bacon: The last thing you want is some bacon strips crispier than chips while others are still limp. To avoid this, make sure your bacon isn’t overlapping on the baking sheet. Give them room to shine!

Creative Variations

Tired of the same old bacon routine? Let’s explore some creative twists that’ll turn your breakfast into a flavor-packed adventure.

Maple-Glazed Bacon: For a sweet and savory combo, drizzle maple syrup over your bacon strips before cooking. It caramelizes beautifully and gives your bacon a delightful, sweet kick.

Pepper-Crusted Bacon: Spice things up by sprinkling some freshly ground black pepper on your bacon. It adds a subtle kick without overwhelming your taste buds.

Candied Bacon Twists: If you’re feeling adventurous, try candied bacon. Sprinkle some brown sugar on top, and you’ll end up with bacon that’s crispy, sweet, and utterly irresistible.

Health Considerations

As much as we love bacon, it’s good to consider its place in a balanced diet.

Bacon in a Balanced Diet: Bacon is delicious, but it’s not the healthiest option when consumed in excess. Enjoy it in moderation, and balance it with other nutritious foods.

Lower-Fat Bacon Options: If you’re watching your fat intake, look for lower-fat bacon options at your grocery store. You’ll still get that smoky flavor without all the extra grease.

Dietary Restrictions and Substitutes: For those with dietary restrictions, turkey bacon or vegetarian bacon alternatives can satisfy your cravings without compromising your dietary choices.

Serving and Presentation

Your bacon is ready, and now it’s time to plate it up and make your breakfast spread Instagram-worthy!

Draining and Blotting: Once your bacon is out of the oven, place it on a plate lined with paper towels. This helps absorb any excess grease, leaving your bacon crispy and less greasy.

Plating Ideas: Get creative with your presentation. Try rolling your bacon into spirals or weaving it into a lattice. It’s not just delicious; it’s a feast for the eyes.

Pairing with Other Breakfast Items: Bacon is delicious, but it’s even better with some friends. Pair it with scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, or even stack it in a breakfast sandwich for the ultimate morning treat.

With your bacon cooked to perfection and some creative variations to try, you’re well on your way to becoming a breakfast hero.

Storage and Leftovers

Bacon lovers, we know you rarely have leftovers, but when you do, here’s how to handle them.

Proper Storage Techniques: If you have leftover bacon (hard to imagine, I know), store it in an airtight container in the fridge. You can also freeze it, so you’re always just moments away from crispy goodness.

Reheating Methods: For reheating, use the microwave for a quick fix or the oven to bring back that crispy texture. You can even chop it up and toss it into salads, sandwiches, or omelets. Bacon never goes to waste!

Bacon-Infused Recipes: Take your culinary skills up a notch by incorporating bacon into your recipes. Think bacon-wrapped dates, bacon-wrapped asparagus, or bacon bits in a creamy potato salad. The possibilities are endless!


In the grand bacon journey, we’ve learned that cooking bacon in the oven is a game-changer.

It’s easy, mess-free, and results in that crispy perfection we all adore. With a few tips and tricks, you’ll become a bacon pro in no time.

So, next time you’re craving that heavenly bacon aroma wafting through your kitchen, reach for your baking sheet, preheat the oven, and get ready to savor the magic of oven-cooked bacon.

Your taste buds and your kitchen will thank you. Happy cooking, fellow bacon lovers!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cooking bacon in the oven better than frying it in a pan?

Many prefer oven-cooked bacon because it’s mess-free, evenly cooked, and requires less hands-on attention.

What are some bacon substitutes for dietary restrictions?

If you have dietary restrictions, consider turkey bacon or vegetarian bacon alternatives that align with your dietary choices.

How do I prevent bacon splatter in the oven?

Use a baking sheet with edges to catch any drips, or cook it in an oven-safe dish with a lid.

Can I use any type of bacon for oven cooking?

Yes, you can use different types, but thick-cut bacon is popular for its texture. Adjust cooking time for thinner slices.

What temperature is ideal for cooking bacon in the oven?

Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) for that perfect balance of crispy and chewy bacon.

How can I store and reheat leftover bacon?

Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freeze it. Reheat in the microwave or oven for that crispy texture.

oven baked bacon on a wire rack

How to Cook Bacon in the Oven (Perfectly Crispy)

PREP TIME :5 minutes
COOK TIME :15 minutes
TOTAL TIME :20 minutes
servings2 slices of bacon
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Cooking bacon in the oven is incredibly easy, makes less of a mess, and lets you do many things in the kitchen at the same time.


  • bacon slices


  • Begin by preheating your oven to 400°F (200°C). Cover a baking tray with parchment paper, then arrange the bacon in a row on the tray.
  • Bake the bacon for 10 to 20 minutes, or until it reaches your desired level of crispiness. Be sure to check it around the 10-minute mark, as oven cooking times may vary. Once done, remove the tray from the oven and use tongs to transfer the bacon to a plate lined with paper towels.
  • If you intend to collect the bacon fat, set up a fine mesh sieve with a paper towel lining. Place the sieve over a glass storage container and carefully pour the bacon fat from the baking sheet into the sieve. Cover the glass storage container and store it in the refrigerator for future culinary use.


Serving: 2SLICES OF BACONSodium: 582mgVitamin A: 35IUPotassium: 174mgCholesterol: 58mgCalories: 366kcalSaturated Fat: 11gFat: 34gProtein: 11gCarbohydrates: 1gIron: 0.4mg
CUISINE: American
Keyword cooking bacon in the oven, how to cook bacon in the oven, oven baked bacon
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.