Fried Cabbage

Hey there, fellow foodies! Today, we’re diving deep into the wonderful world of fried cabbage – a dish that’s often overlooked but packs a serious punch when it comes to taste.

deliciously prepared Fried Cabbage

Before we roll up our sleeves and get into the nitty-gritty of frying cabbage to perfection, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this humble vegetable.

Cabbage is like that unassuming friend who surprises you with their hidden talents. It’s versatile, affordable, and can be found in kitchens all around the world.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why fried cabbage?” Well, my friend, fried cabbage is not just a dish; it’s an experience.

It’s comfort food at its finest, and it has a rich history in culinary traditions across the globe.

From Southern-style soul food to European classics, and even Asian-inspired variations, there’s a fried cabbage recipe for every palate.

But before we jump into the mouthwatering recipes, let’s start with the basics.

The Basics of Fried Cabbage

Ingredients Required

Let’s keep it simple, shall we? You don’t need a laundry list of fancy ingredients to whip up a delightful plate of fried cabbage. Here’s what you’ll need:

ingredients in bowls
  1. Cabbage: The star of the show. You can choose between green, red, or Napa cabbage, depending on your preference and what’s available in your kitchen.
  2. Cooking oil(vegetable oil, olive oil): Take your pick from vegetable oil, olive oil, or for those who love a little extra flavor, bacon fat. It’s all about personal taste here.
  3. Seasonings(salt, pepper, and garlic): This is where the magic happens. You’ll want some salt, pepper, and garlic in your arsenal. But feel free to get creative with your favorite herbs and spices like thyme, dill, or cilantro.
  4. Optional Add-ins: This is where you can get adventurous. Add some onions for a sweet twist, bacon for that smoky goodness, or sausage for extra protein. It’s your canvas; paint it the way you like.

Equipment Needed

Cooking up fried cabbage doesn’t require a high-tech kitchen setup. Here’s what you’ll need in terms of equipment:

  1. Skillet or Frying Pan: A trusty skillet or frying pan is your best friend for this adventure. It’ll help you achieve that perfect, crispy texture.
  2. Cutting Board and Knife: You’ll need a good cutting board and a sharp knife to slice and dice your cabbage and any other ingredients you’re adding.
  3. Spatula: This handy tool will help you flip and stir your cabbage to perfection. Trust me; it’s a lifesaver.

There you have it – the basics of fried cabbage. It might seem simple, but with the right ingredients and techniques, you’ll be amazed at the mouthwatering dish you can create.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into the cooking methods and flavor enhancers that will make your fried cabbage a culinary masterpiece!

How to Make Fried Cabbage

Now that we’ve got our ingredients lined up, it’s time to chop the cabbages and fire up the stove and start cooking. We’ve got some exciting cooking methods to explore, so let’s get sizzling!

Preparing and Chopping the Cabbage

Before you start slicing and dicing, let’s talk technique.

cutting the cabbage in a board
  1. Slicing Techniques: There are a few ways to slice cabbage. You can go for thin strips for a delicate texture, or you can chop it into chunks if you prefer a heartier bite. The choice is yours, chef!
  2. Tips for Uniform Cuts: Consistency is the key to even cooking. Try to keep your cabbage pieces around the same size so that they cook evenly. Nobody wants a mix of overcooked and undercooked cabbage on their plate!

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Heat Your Pan: Place your skillet or frying pan on the stove over medium-high heat. Add a generous glug of your chosen cooking oil. You want it to sizzle when you drop in your ingredients.
  2. Sauté the Aromatics: If you’re using onions, now’s the time to add them. Sauté them until they turn translucent and release their delightful aroma. Garlic lovers, don’t forget to throw in some minced garlic for that irresistible fragrance.
  3. Add the Cabbage: It’s cabbage time! Toss in your sliced or chopped cabbage. Give it a good stir to coat it in those flavorful aromatics.
  4. Season to Perfection: Sprinkle in some salt and pepper. Go easy; you can always add more later. Seasoning is an art, and you’re the artist!
  5. Cook Until Crispy: Cook your cabbage, stirring occasionally, until it’s tender on the inside and crispy on the outside. This usually takes about 10-15 minutes.
  6. Serve Hot: Once your cabbage reaches that perfect balance of crispy and tender, it’s ready to serve. Plate it up and enjoy!
tossing in the sliced cabbage

Cooking Time and Temperature: The key to classic fried cabbage is to cook it over medium-high heat. This allows for that beautiful caramelization without turning it into mush. You’ll want to keep a close eye on it, stirring occasionally, and it should be ready in around 10-15 minutes.

Fried Cabbage Variations

Southern Style Fried Cabbage

Incorporating Bacon or Ham: If you’re looking to take your fried cabbage to the next level of Southern comfort, here’s how to do it:

  1. Start with the Bacon or Ham: Before you begin sautéing your cabbage, cook up some bacon or ham in the pan until it’s nice and crispy. Set it aside on a paper towel to drain.
  2. Use the Bacon Fat: Don’t pour that bacon fat down the drain! Use it to sauté your cabbage and aromatics. This will infuse your dish with a smoky, savory flavor that’s downright heavenly.
  3. Crumble and Combine: Once your bacon or ham has cooled, crumble or chop it into bits. Just before serving, sprinkle these delicious morsels over your fried cabbage for an irresistible Southern twist.

Flavor Variations: Southern-style fried cabbage doesn’t stop at bacon or ham. Get creative with flavor variations! Add some crushed red pepper flakes for a spicy kick or a splash of apple cider vinegar for a tangy zing. The South is all about bold flavors, so don’t be shy!

Asian-Inspired Fried Cabbage

Using Soy Sauce and Ginger: If you’re craving a taste of the Far East, you’re in for a treat. Here’s how to infuse your fried cabbage with Asian flavors:

  1. Soy Sauce Magic: Instead of your usual seasonings, reach for a bottle of soy sauce. The salty-savory goodness of soy sauce is perfect for enhancing the umami factor.
  2. A Touch of Ginger: Grate or finely chop some fresh ginger and add it to the pan with your cabbage. Ginger brings a delightful zing and warmth to the dish.
  3. Stir-Fry Techniques: Treat your cabbage like you’re stir-frying it. Keep the heat high, and stir frequently to ensure even cooking and that wonderful caramelization.

Stir-Frying Techniques: When making Asian-inspired fried cabbage, remember to keep the heat high and the pan moving. Stir-frying ensures that the cabbage cooks quickly while retaining its crunch, and the flavors meld beautifully.

Healthier Versions

Low-Fat Options: Want to keep it light and healthy? No problem! Here are some low-fat options for your fried cabbage:

  1. Trim the Oil: Use a non-stick pan or cooking spray to reduce the amount of oil needed. A little goes a long way!
  2. Lean Proteins: If you’re adding protein, opt for lean choices like turkey bacon or turkey sausage. They’re lower in fat but still bring plenty of flavor.

Vegan and Vegetarian Variations: For our plant-based pals, fried cabbage is a fantastic choice. Here’s how to make it vegan or vegetarian:

  1. No Animal Products: Skip the bacon or sausage and stick to veggies. You’ll be amazed at how delicious it can be with just cabbage, onions, and seasonings.
  2. Plant-Based Oils: Choose heart-healthy oils like olive or avocado oil. They bring a wonderful depth of flavor without the saturated fat.

Stay tuned as we explore the magical world of flavor enhancers that will take your fried cabbage from tasty to downright unforgettable!

Flavor Enhancers

What’s cooking without a little extra flavor, right? We’ve got a treasure trove of seasonings, spices, and sauces to make your fried cabbage sing with delight.


Salt and Pepper: These kitchen staples are the backbone of seasoning. Remember, you can always add more later, so start with a pinch and taste as you go.

Garlic and Onions: Fresh garlic and onions are aromatic powerhouses. They add depth and complexity to your dish. Sauté them in the pan to release their full potential.

Herbs (Thyme, Dill, Cilantro): Fresh herbs can take your fried cabbage to the next level. Try thyme for earthiness, dill for a hint of freshness, or cilantro for a zesty kick.

Cajun Seasoning: For a different spice, use Cajun seasoning into your dish.


Paprika: Paprika brings a gentle, smoky heat to your cabbage. It’s like a warm hug for your taste buds.

Red Pepper Flakes: If you crave some heat, red pepper flakes are your friend. Just a pinch will kick things up a notch.

Cumin: Cumin adds a warm, earthy flavor that pairs beautifully with cabbage. It’s a must-try for spice enthusiasts.

Sauces and Condiments

Soy Sauce: As we mentioned earlier for Asian-inspired cabbage, soy sauce adds a salty, savory kick. A dash can elevate your dish.

Hot Sauce: For the bold and brave, hot sauce is the answer. A few drops can take your fried cabbage from mild to wild.

Vinegar: A touch of vinegar, whether apple cider or balsamic, can brighten up your cabbage and balance its flavors beautifully.

Tips for Success

Now that you’re well-versed in the art of frying cabbage, let’s make sure your culinary journey is smooth sailing from start to finish.

Achieving the Perfect Texture

Crispy vs. Mushy: The perfect fried cabbage strikes a balance between crispy and tender. To achieve this, keep the heat medium-high and don’t overcook it. You want those lovely caramelized edges without turning it into a mushy mess.

Uniform Cutting: Remember to cut your cabbage into uniform pieces. This ensures even cooking and a consistent texture throughout your dish. Nobody wants a mix of crunchy and soggy bites.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Overcrowding the Pan: Give your cabbage room to breathe. Overcrowding the pan can lead to uneven cooking. If your pan isn’t big enough, cook in batches.

Neglecting Seasoning: Seasoning is key to flavor. Don’t forget to taste and adjust as you go. A little extra salt, a pinch more pepper – trust your taste buds.

Ignoring Aromatics: Aromatics like garlic and onions are flavor boosters. Don’t skip them; they’re the foundation of a delicious dish.

Storing Leftover Fried Cabbage

Got leftovers? Lucky you! Fried cabbage tastes even better the next day. Store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days.

To reheat, pop it in the microwave or warm it on the stove with a splash of water to revive the flavors.

Nutritional Value of Fried Cabbage

You might be thinking, “Is fried cabbage actually good for me?” The answer is a resounding yes! This unassuming vegetable is packed with nutritional goodness that your body will thank you for.

Vitamins and Minerals

  1. Vitamin C: Cabbage is a vitamin C powerhouse. This essential vitamin boosts your immune system, keeps your skin glowing, and helps your body absorb iron. It’s like a natural defense shield against colds and sniffles.
  2. Fiber: We all know fiber is your digestive system’s best friend. Cabbage is loaded with fiber, which keeps things moving smoothly and helps maintain a healthy gut.
  3. Folate: Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is crucial for cell division and the formation of DNA. It’s especially important for expectant moms. A serving of fried cabbage can contribute to your folate intake.

Health Benefits

  1. Digestive Health: Thanks to its fiber content, fried cabbage can aid digestion and prevent constipation. It’s like a broom for your digestive system, sweeping away unwanted guests.
  2. Weight Management: If you’re watching your waistline, fried cabbage is your ally. It’s low in calories but high in fiber, helping you feel full and satisfied without the guilt.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: Cabbage is rich in antioxidants, which protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Think of it as a shield that keeps your body in tip-top shape.

Serving Suggestions

Now that you’ve mastered the art of frying cabbage and explored its global variations, it’s time to serve it up in style.

Whether you want it as a main dish or a delightful side, we’ve got you covered.

Main Dish Options

1. With Meat or Protein: Pair your fried cabbage with your choice of protein. Whether it’s chicken, pork, or tofu, it’s a satisfying and balanced meal. The cabbage adds a refreshing crunch to every bite.

2. Vegetarian and Vegan Mains: Going plant-based? No worries! Fried cabbage can shine on its own as a vegetarian or vegan main. It’s hearty, flavorful, and completely meat-free.

Side Dish Ideas

1. Pairing with Traditional Sides: Fried cabbage plays well with others. Serve it alongside mashed potatoes, cornbread, or mac and cheese for a classic American comfort meal.

2. Complementing Other Vegetables: Mix it up by pairing fried cabbage with other veggies. Sauté some bell peppers, carrots, and zucchini for a colorful and nutritious side dish.

Garnishes and Presentation Tips

1. Fresh Herbs: Elevate your dish with a sprinkle of fresh herbs like parsley, chives, or cilantro. They not only add flavor but also a pop of color.

2. Grated Cheese: If you’re feeling indulgent, a bit of grated cheese can take your fried cabbage to the next level. Cheddar, Parmesan, or feta – take your pick.

3. Nuts and Seeds: For added texture and a hint of nuttiness, toss in some chopped nuts or seeds. Toasted almonds or sesame seeds are particularly delightful.

There you have it – the nutritional benefits, global variations, and serving suggestions for fried cabbage.

It’s a versatile and wholesome dish that can cater to any taste and dietary preference.

More Easy Side Dishes

You can never possess an excess of side dish choices prepared for convenient and swift suppers. Why not experiment with the following selections?


And there you have it, fellow food enthusiasts – a journey through the wonderful world of fried cabbage.

From its humble beginnings to its international appeal, fried cabbage has shown us that simple ingredients can create extraordinary flavors.

As you embark on your fried cabbage adventures, remember the tips and tricks we’ve shared to ensure a perfect dish every time.

Whether you prefer it crispy, smoky, or with a touch of Asian flair, fried cabbage has something for everyone.

But fried cabbage isn’t just about food; it’s about culture, history, and tradition. It’s a dish that’s been cherished and adapted across the globe, bringing comfort and joy to kitchens far and wide.

So, what are you waiting for? Get that skillet sizzling, chop up some cabbage, and let the magic begin.

Share your own fried cabbage stories and recipes with friends and family. You’re now part of a culinary tradition that spans centuries, and there’s no limit to the delicious variations you can create.

Thank you for joining us on this flavorful journey. Now, go forth and fry up some cabbage goodness! Your taste buds will thank you, and your kitchen will never be the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is fried cabbage healthy?

Yes, fried cabbage can be healthy. It’s rich in vitamin C, fiber, and folate, promoting digestive health, weight management, and providing antioxidant benefits.

Can I use different types of cabbage for frying?

Absolutely! You can use green, red, or Napa cabbage, depending on your taste and availability.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when frying cabbage?

Avoid overcrowding the pan, neglecting seasoning, and skipping aromatics like garlic and onions.

Can I make fried cabbage without meat or bacon?

Definitely! Fried cabbage can be a delicious vegetarian or vegan dish when prepared with plant-based oils and omitting animal products.

How should I store leftover fried cabbage?

Store it in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days. Reheat in the microwave or on the stove with a splash of water.

Is fried cabbage related to any cultural celebrations?

Yes, in Ireland, cabbage is a symbol of St. Patrick’s Day and a key ingredient in dishes like Colcannon. In Germany, red cabbage (Rotkohl) is often served during Christmas feasts.

deliciously prepared Fried Cabbage

Fried Cabbage

PREP TIME :10 minutes
COOK TIME :15 minutes
TOTAL TIME :25 minutes
servings6 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Fried cabbage is a comfort food at its finest, and it has a rich history in culinary traditions across the globe.


  • pieces bacon,  cut into 1-inch pieces
  • small onion,  diced
  • garlic cloves,  minced
  • 2 tablespoons stone ground mustard (or Dijon mustard)
  • ¼  teaspoon  smoked paprika
  • head cabbage,  sliced and chopped
  • kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper,  to taste


  • Heat up a large skillet over medium heat and place the sliced bacon into it. Cook until the bacon turns crispy, then transfer it to a plate lined with paper towels. Discard some of the bacon grease, but keep around 2 tablespoons in the skillet.
  • Put the onion in the skillet and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes, until it becomes translucent.
  • Introduce the garlic, mustard, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper, and mix everything together.
  • Lay the sliced cabbage over the mixture and use a big spoon or tongs to stir and cook the ingredients together for an additional 12 to 15 minutes. The cabbage should become tender and slightly browned when it's ready.
  • Reintegrate the crispy bacon and thoroughly combine all the components before serving.


Sodium: 229mgCalcium: 72mgVitamin C: 57mgVitamin A: 202IUSugar: 6gFiber: 4gPotassium: 343mgCholesterol: 15mgCalories: 142kcalTrans Fat: 0.03gMonounsaturated Fat: 4gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 3gFat: 9gProtein: 5gCarbohydrates: 12gIron: 1mg
COURSE: Side Dish
CUISINE: American,irish
Keyword cabbage recipe, fried cabbage, sauteed cabbage
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.