Coconut Crème Brûlée

Hey there, dessert lovers! Are you ready to embark on a flavor adventure that will have your taste buds dancing? Well, hold onto your spoons, because we’re about to dive into the world of Coconut Crème Brûlée – a creamy, dreamy, and totally dairy-free delight that’ll blow your mind!

Deliciously prepared Coconut Creme Brulee in bowls

The Irresistible Charm of Coconut Crème Brûlée

Picture this: a luscious custard base that’s so smooth and silky it glides across your tongue like a heavenly cloud.

And on top of that, a perfectly caramelized layer of maple sugar, giving you that satisfying crunch with every bite. Oh, the joy!

Now, I’ve got a confession to make. As much as I adore classic French Crème Brûlée, I’m always on the lookout for exciting twists on traditional desserts.

And when I took a bite of this coconut-infused wonder, I instantly fell head over heels in love!

It’s like taking a mini-vacation to a tropical paradise without leaving the comfort of your home.

Coconut Crème Brûlée Ingredients

Hold on tight, because this Coconut Crème Brûlée recipe is as easy as pie (or custard, in this case)! With just five simple ingredients, you’ll be whipping up this divine dessert in no time.

Coconut Crème Brûlée ingredients in bowls

Full-Fat Coconut Milk: The Key to Creamy Bliss

Now, let’s talk about the star of our show – full-fat coconut milk. Its creamy richness replaces the traditional heavy cream, offering a dairy-free alternative that’s equally delightful.

Plus, it adds a subtle hint of coconut flavor without overpowering the custard.

Here’s a pro tip – don’t use regular or light coconut milk. We want that dreamy, velvety texture that only full-fat coconut milk can provide.

It’s the secret to achieving that heavenly creaminess that’ll make your taste buds swoon!

Maple Syrup and Vanilla Extract: A Symphony of Flavors

Say goodbye to refined sugars! Our Coconut Crème Brûlée boasts natural sweetness, thanks to the heavenly combination of maple syrup and vanilla extract.

The maple syrup lends its unique sweetness with a touch of earthiness, while vanilla extract adds warmth and sophistication.

It’s all about balance, my friends. We want the flavors to harmonize perfectly, creating a custard that’s rich, sweet, and incredibly satisfying. Trust me, you won’t miss the refined sugars one bit!

Egg Yolks: The Creamy Custard Secret

Ah, egg yolks – the unsung heroes of custard-making! These golden gems are what give our Coconut Crème Brûlée its creamy and thick texture.

The egg yolks work their magic, binding everything together in a velvety embrace that’s simply divine.

So, crack those eggs with confidence and let the yolks work their wonders. You’re on your way to creating a dessert that’ll rival even the fanciest of fine dining delicacies!

The Perfect Caramelized Sugar Topping: Your Choice, Your Style

Ah, the crowning glory of our Coconut Crème Brûlée – the caramelized sugar topping! Here’s where you can let your creativity shine.

We recommend using maple sugar for that tropical touch, but hey, it’s your dessert, and the choice is yours!

Feel free to experiment with different sugars – coconut sugar for an extra coconutty twist, or organic cane sugar for a classic touch.

It’s your chance to personalize your dessert and create a delightful crunchy contrast to our creamy custard.

With the ingredients unveiled and the magic of full-fat coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract ready to work wonders, we’re all set to dive into the art of creating our Coconut Crème Brûlée.

How to Make Coconut Crème Brûlée

Congratulations! You’ve reached the most exciting part of our dessert journey – it’s time to create your very own Coconut Crème Brûlée.

Necessary Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Now that we’ve got our ingredients sorted, let’s gather the tools and equipment that will make our dessert-making experience smooth and enjoyable:

  • Ramekins: These small, oven-safe dishes will hold our custard while baking. You’ll need four of these little gems.
  • Baking Tray: A quarter-sized baking tray will be our water bath vessel to ensure even cooking of the custard.
  • Large Mixing Bowl: Use this to whisk the egg yolks and combine them with the coconut milk mixture.
  • Pot: To warm up the coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract before creating the custard.
  • Whisk: An essential tool for whisking the egg yolks and combining ingredients for our custard.
  • Kitchen Torch: The star of the show! This is the tool that will caramelize the sugar topping to perfection.
  • Kitchen Towel: You’ll need this to gently tap the custard’s surface to remove any bubbles before chilling.
  • Fine Mesh Strainer: Optional but helpful for achieving a smoother custard texture by straining the mixture before pouring it into the ramekins.

With all the ingredients lined up and the necessary tools in hand, we’re all set to create our Coconut Crème Brûlée masterpiece!

Stay tuned, as the next section will guide you through the step-by-step process of crafting this tropical delight. Get ready to experience dessert heaven!

Preparing the Coconut Milk Mixture

Warm the Coconut Milk: In a pot over medium-low heat, pour the full-fat coconut milk. Add the maple syrup and a splash of vanilla extract to the mix.

Give it a gentle stir as you watch it slowly come to a simmer. This is where the magic begins!

warmed coconut milk in a pot

Remove from Heat: Once your coconut milk mixture starts to simmer, promptly remove the pot from the heat. You want to catch it just at the right moment to infuse all those delightful flavors.

Tempering the Egg Yolks

Whisk Those Yolks: In a large mixing bowl, whisk your egg yolks vigorously until they’re smooth and velvety. Imagine you’re creating a silky masterpiece – the smoother, the better!

egg yolks ready to be whisked in a bowl

Slow and Steady: Now, this is where we need to be careful. Slowly stream the warm coconut milk mixture into the bowl with the egg yolks.

Be sure to whisk constantly as you do this. The key is to temper the yolks gently, so they don’t scramble.

Creating the Water Bath

Preheat Your Oven: Set your oven to 325ºF (165°C) to create the perfect environment for our Coconut Crème Brûlée.

Ramekins and Baking Tray: Grab those four ramekins and place them in a quarter-sized baking tray. Evenly pour your custard filling into each ramekin.

Water, Water Everywhere: Carefully pour hot water into the baking tray until it reaches about halfway up the side of the ramekins.

This water bath technique ensures that our custard cooks evenly and achieves that velvety texture.

Proper Cooling and Chilling Process

Bake and Chill: Slide the baking tray with the ramekins into the preheated oven. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes until the outside of the custard is just set with a slight jiggle in the center.

Remove the ramekins from the water bath and let them cool down to room temperature before chilling.

Chill Time: Cover the tray of ramekins with a kitchen towel and pop them in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Trust me, the anticipation will be worth it! This chilling time allows the custard to set up perfectly.

Achieving the Perfect Caramelized Sugar Topping

Sugar and Torch: When it’s time to serve, sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of maple sugar (or your sweet choice) over each custard.

Now, for the pièce de résistance – grab your kitchen torch and let’s caramelize that sugar to perfection.

Torching Tips: Keep the torch moving as you caramelize the sugar. Don’t hold it in one spot for too long, or you’ll risk burning the sugar and melting the custard underneath.

Our goal is a golden-brown, crispy layer that will make your heart skip a beat!

The Coconut Twist: A Tropical Symphony of Flavors

Welcome to paradise, where we’re about to embark on a journey that infuses the tropical charm of coconut into our beloved Crème Brûlée.

Get ready to be whisked away to an island getaway with every spoonful!

Exploring the Allure of Coconut in Culinary Traditions

Ah, coconut – the darling of tropical cuisines around the world! From the shores of the Caribbean to the palm-fringed beaches of Southeast Asia, this versatile fruit has won the hearts of food enthusiasts everywhere.

The rich, creamy goodness of coconut milk and the delicate sweetness of coconut flesh bring a unique dimension to any dish.

In many cultures, coconut is celebrated as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and hospitality.

How Coconut Elevates the Crème Brûlée Experience

Now, let’s talk about how coconut plays its magic in our delightful Crème Brûlée.

By replacing traditional heavy cream with full-fat coconut milk, we’re introducing a heavenly creaminess that’s lighter on the palate yet satisfyingly indulgent.

Silky and Creamy Texture: The natural fat content of coconut milk gives our custard a velvety smoothness that’s simply divine.

It glides across your taste buds, leaving a delightful afterglow with each spoonful.

Subtle Nutty Flavor: Don’t worry; we’re not overpowering our custard with a tsunami of coconut flavor!

The coconut essence is gentle and understated, enhancing the overall experience without stealing the show.

Dairy-Free Delight: For those with lactose sensitivities or a preference for dairy-free options, Coconut Crème Brûlée is a true game-changer.

You get all the creamy goodness without the heaviness of traditional cream.

Comparing the Classic vs. the Coconut-Infused Version

Now, let’s have a friendly face-off between the classic Crème Brûlée and its tropical counterpart. It’s like witnessing a culinary showdown, but instead of rivals, we have two delicious contenders on the plate.

Creaminess: The classic Crème Brûlée reigns supreme with its luxurious creaminess from heavy cream and egg yolks.

But fear not, the coconut-infused version holds its ground with a delightfully creamy texture that’s sure to win hearts.

Flavor Harmony: The traditional Crème Brûlée charms us with its timeless blend of vanilla and sweetness.

However, the coconut twist adds a touch of magic with its gentle nutty undertones, creating a harmonious duet of flavors.

Dietary Preferences: While the classic version is a classic for a reason, the coconut-infused Crème Brûlée welcomes those with dietary preferences or restrictions, making it an inclusive and delightful option for all.

Understanding the Types of Coconut Products Used

Coconut Milk: Available in cans or cartons, coconut milk is made by blending coconut flesh with water. We’re reaching for the full-fat variety for that luxurious texture.

Coconut Cream: This is a thicker, richer version of coconut milk, with less water content. We won’t be using coconut cream in this recipe, but keep it in mind for other delightful desserts!

Coconut Sugar: A natural sweetener made from the sap of coconut palm flowers. It has a slightly caramel-like flavor and can be used as an alternative to maple sugar or cane sugar for the topping.

Achieving the Perfect Caramelized Sugar Topping

The pinnacle of a Coconut Crème Brûlée lies in its show-stopping caramelized sugar topping. Let’s dive into the art of perfecting this sweet spectacle and ensure your dessert dazzles with every crack and crunch!

Understanding the Significance of Temperature and Torch Movement

Timing is Everything: When it’s time to caramelize the sugar, make sure your custard is perfectly chilled.

We don’t want a warm custard base, so let it cool down in the fridge for at least 4 hours. Remember, patience is a virtue in the world of dessert-making.

Moving with Grace: As you wield your kitchen torch, remember to keep it moving in smooth, steady motions.

Avoid staying in one spot for too long to prevent burning the sugar. We’re aiming for a lovely golden-brown hue, not a caramel catastrophe!

Removing Bubbles from the Custard Surface

A Smooth Canvas: To achieve a flawless caramelized topping, we need a smooth custard canvas.

Before chilling the custard, take a moment to gently tap the surface with a kitchen towel to remove any lingering bubbles. A smooth surface will ensure even caramelization.

Bubble, Bubble, No Trouble: If you notice any bubbles rising to the surface while tapping, simply touch them gently with the kitchen towel.

The bubbles will pop, leaving you with a velvety-smooth custard ready for its grand finale.

Sifting or Grinding the Sugar for a Smoother Caramelized Finish

Sugar Texture Matters: Now, here’s a pro tip to take your topping to the next level. Maple sugar, coconut sugar, or organic cane sugar are fantastic options, but they can sometimes have larger granules.

To avoid uneven caramelization, consider sifting the sugar through a fine mesh strainer or pulsing it in a spice grinder for a smoother texture.

A Velvet Finish: By sifting or grinding the sugar, you create an ultra-fine texture that’ll evenly caramelize, ensuring a flawless, velvety finish on your Coconut Crème Brûlée. Say hello to a perfectly caramelized topping with a sublime texture!

Pro Tips for Success

As you become a Coconut Crème Brûlée connoisseur, let’s unlock the secrets to dessert mastery.

These pro tips will take your culinary skills to the next level, ensuring each batch of Coconut Crème Brûlée is a taste of paradise!

Expert Advice on Achieving the Ideal Temperature During Baking

Water Bath Precision: When creating the water bath for your custard, ensure the hot water reaches about halfway up the side of the ramekins.

This precise water level guarantees even cooking, resulting in a velvety custard that’s cooked to perfection.

Jiggle for Perfection: During baking, keep a keen eye on your custard. You want the outside to be set with a slight jiggle in the center.

It may seem like a delicate dance, but this is the ideal consistency for the creamiest custard experience.

The Benefits of Letting the Custard Cool Completely Before Chilling

Patience Pays Off: It’s tempting to rush through the cooling process, but trust me – patience is the key to dessert greatness.

Allowing your custard to cool completely before chilling ensures that the texture sets up evenly, resulting in a velvety-smooth finish.

Center-Stage Surprise: Cooling the custard fully also prevents it from overcooking, especially at the center.

Your Coconut Crème Brûlée will have that enchanting jiggle at the core, offering a delightful surprise with each spoonful.

Make-Ahead Dessert Convenience

Time is a precious commodity, and Coconut Crème Brûlée is here to make your life a little easier. With its make-ahead nature, this dessert becomes your secret weapon for stress-free entertaining and sweet indulgence whenever the craving strikes!

Advocating for the Make-Ahead Nature of Coconut Crème Brûlée

Prepare in Advance: One of the most delightful aspects of Coconut Crème Brûlée is its make-ahead convenience.

Unlike many desserts that demand last-minute preparation, this creamy delight thrives on being prepared in advance.

Perfect for Entertaining: Hosting a dinner party or special occasion? With Coconut Crème Brûlée, you can wow your guests without last-minute kitchen frenzy.

Prepare the custard in advance, and when it’s time for dessert, a few torching strokes turn it into a show-stopping finale.

Storage Tips for the Custard Base Before Caramelizing the Sugar

Cover and Chill: Once you’ve crafted your custard, cover the ramekins with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel.

Pop them into the fridge to chill and set up. The custard’s creamy richness will develop further during this resting period.

Caramelization Just-in-Time: Remember, the magic of the caramelized sugar happens right before serving.

So, don’t torch the sugar until you’re ready to enjoy the dessert. The sugar topping’s crispiness is at its peak when it’s freshly caramelized.

The Recommended Timeline for Preparing the Dessert for the Best Texture

Day 1: The Custard Creation: Prepare your Coconut Crème Brûlée custard base on day one. Whisk together the coconut milk mixture, temper the egg yolks, and bake the custard.

Once cooled, cover the ramekins and let them chill in the fridge.

Day 2: The Caramelized Finale: On the day of serving, get ready for the grand finale. Sprinkle the sugar topping over each custard, ignite your kitchen torch, and create that irresistible caramelized finish. The result? Dessert heaven on a plate!

Savor the Convenience: With this timeline, you’ll experience the full magic of Coconut Crème Brûlée.

From its creamy, chilled state to the moment you caramelize the sugar, each step contributes to the dessert’s velvety texture and delightful flavors.

Flavor Variations and Customizations

As we savor the deliciousness of Coconut Crème Brûlée, let’s explore the world of flavor possibilities and customizations.

This versatile dessert opens its doors to a plethora of delightful infusions and adaptations, making it a culinary canvas for your creative genius!

Exploring Possibilities for Incorporating Different Flavors and Infusions

Citrus Zest Zing: Enhance the tropical vibes by infusing the custard with a hint of citrus zest. A touch of lime, lemon, or orange zest adds a zingy twist to the creamy coconut base.

Spice It Up: Embrace the warmth of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom. A pinch of your favorite spice can elevate the dessert with aromatic richness.

Coconut Combinations: Experiment with different coconut products, such as coconut cream or coconut water, for subtle variations in flavor and texture.

Floral Elegance: Elevate your Coconut Crème Brûlée with floral notes. A drop of rosewater, lavender essence, or elderflower liqueur adds a touch of elegance and whimsy.

Coffee: For a classic pairing, enjoy your Coconut Crème Brûlée with a cup of rich, aromatic coffee. The coffee’s warmth and the custard’s creaminess make for a delightful contrast.

Fresh Fruit Salad: Balance out the richness of the dessert with a refreshing fruit salad. The juicy fruits will cleanse your palate and leave you ready for another heavenly bite of Coconut Crème Brûlée.

Adapting the Recipe to Cater to Dietary Preferences and Restrictions

Dairy-Free Dreams: Already indulging in the dairy-free delight of Coconut Crème Brûlée? For lactose intolerant and vegan friends, this dessert is a sweet savior. Just ensure the sugar topping doesn’t contain any animal-derived ingredients.

Gluten-Free Glory: With no gluten lurking in its custard, Coconut Crème Brûlée proudly welcomes those who follow a gluten-free diet. A true treat for all to enjoy!

Refined Sugar Alternatives: Worried about refined sugar? Fear not! Swap the traditional sugar topping for alternatives like coconut sugar or maple sugar for a more natural sweetness.

Eggless Endeavors: For those seeking an eggless version, you can explore vegan egg replacers like aquafaba (chickpea brine) or store-bought egg substitutes.

Serving and Garnishing Ideas

Congratulations on your Coconut Crème Brûlée creation! Now, it’s time to elevate the experience even further with presentation tips and delightful garnishes.

Get ready to impress your guests and indulge in a tropical paradise of flavors!

Presentation Tips for an Elegant Coconut Crème Brûlée

The Torch Reveal: Picture this – you’re about to serve your Coconut Crème Brûlée at the table. Hold on to the element of surprise by not torching the sugar until right before serving.

When the moment arrives, dazzle your guests as you torch the sugar, creating a captivating sizzling show.

Ramekin Beauties: Allow your ramekins to shine in all their elegance. Present the Coconut Crème Brûlée in its baking dish for that rustic and charming touch.

Your guests will be enchanted by the contrast of the creamy custard against the caramelized sugar.

A Touch of Freshness: Embrace the tropical theme by garnishing each ramekin with a small sprig of fresh mint or a thin slice of toasted coconut.

The burst of green or the golden hue of coconut will add a delightful pop of color.

Complementary Garnishes to Enhance the Tropical Experience

Toasted Coconut: Take your Coconut Crème Brûlée on a tropical vacation by sprinkling toasted coconut flakes over the top.

The toasty aroma and nutty flavor will harmonize perfectly with the creamy custard.

Fresh Berries: For a burst of brightness and a touch of tartness, add a few fresh berries to the side.

Raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries – take your pick and let the fruity flavors dance with the coconut essence.

Caramelized Pineapple: Elevate the tropical vibes with a few caramelized pineapple chunks on the side. The sweet, caramelized goodness will pair like a dream with the Coconut Crème Brûlée.

We’re All for Easy Desserts Here!

Some of the most delightful sweet treats are also the easiest to make. Whether you’re short on time or prefer uncomplicated recipes, these beloved options are perfect for you.


As we bid farewell to the delectable world of Coconut Crème Brûlée, let’s take a moment to relish the memories of tropical flavors, creamy textures, and caramelized wonders.

This dessert has proven to be an exquisite fusion of the classic French Crème Brûlée and the tropical charm of coconut, bringing forth a culinary masterpiece that captivates both the heart and palate.

Coconut Crème Brûlée has captured our hearts, leaving an indelible mark on our dessert repertoire.

So, with torch in hand and hearts full of delight, let’s toast to the art of dessert-making. May each dessert creation be a canvas for your creativity and a source of joy for you and your loved ones.

As you savor the lingering sweetness of Coconut Crème Brûlée, I encourage you to keep exploring the vast world of culinary wonders.

Happy cooking, dessert lovers, and may your culinary journey continue to be filled with love, passion, and the taste of paradise!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coconut Crème Brûlée?

Coconut Crème Brûlée is a delightful dessert that combines the creamy richness of coconut with the classic French custard, crowned with a caramelized sugar crust.

Can I infuse other flavors into Coconut Crème Brûlée?

Absolutely! You can experiment with complementary ingredients like mango, pineapple, passion fruit, spices like cardamom and ginger, or even incorporate regional flavors from diverse cuisines.

What’s the best way to store Coconut Crème Brûlée?

Store your custard in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and texture until you’re ready to serve.

Can I pair beverages with Coconut Crème Brûlée?

Absolutely! Consider wine, tea, or cocktails that complement the dessert’s flavors for a complete dining experience.

What’s the significance of coconut across cultures?

Coconut holds cultural significance worldwide and features in diverse culinary traditions.

Can I make Coconut Crème Brûlée ahead of time?

Yes, the make-ahead strategy enhances flavors. Chill the custard after preparation and torch the sugar just before serving for a pristine crunch.

Deliciously prepared Coconut Creme Brulee in bowls

Coconut Crème Brûlée

PREP TIME :20 minutes
COOK TIME :40 minutes
TOTAL TIME :5 hours
servings4 servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Coconut Crème Brûlée is a creamy, dreamy, and totally dairy-free delight that'll blow your mind and let your taste buds dance with joy!


  • 1 (13.5 ounce /398ml) can full-fat coconut milk
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • large egg yolks
  • teaspoons  coconut sugar or maple sugar, (see notes above)


  • Preheat the oven to 325ºF (165°C). Arrange four ramekins on a baking tray with raised edges.
  • Prepare the coconut milk mixture. Heat the coconut milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract in a pot over medium heat. Gently whisk the ingredients until the coconut milk starts to simmer. Remove the pot from the heat.
  • Incorporate the eggs into the custard. Whisk the egg yolks in a large mixing bowl. Gradually introduce a small portion of the coconut mixture to the egg yolks while vigorously whisking. Gradually combine the remaining coconut milk mixture into the mixing bowl, continuing this process for about two minutes.
  • Set up a warm water bath. Pour the custard into the four ramekins, each with a 6-ounce capacity. Carefully pour hot water into the baking dish until it reaches halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
  • Bake the custards. Place the ramekins in the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes, until the outer edges of the custard set and the center has a slight jiggle.
  • Allow the custards to cool. Once removed from the oven, let the custards cool. Cover them and transfer to the refrigerator. Let them chill for a minimum of 4 hours.
  • Prepare the caramelized sugar. When it's time to serve, sprinkle one teaspoon of either maple sugar or coconut sugar onto the top of each custard. Use a kitchen torch to melt the sugar until it caramelizes. Serve immediately.


Sodium: 23mgCalcium: 60mgVitamin C: 1mgVitamin A: 260IUSugar: 12gPotassium: 274mgCholesterol: 195mgCalories: 300kcalMonounsaturated Fat: 3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gSaturated Fat: 20gFat: 25gProtein: 5gCarbohydrates: 16gIron: 4mg
COURSE: Dessert
CUISINE: American,French
Keyword coconut creme brulee, creme brulee recipe, dairy-free creme brulee, paleo creme brulee
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.