Coconut Butter Recipe

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably come across the term “coconut butter” and wondered, “What’s the scoop on this creamy delight?”

Well, wonder no more, because we’re about to take a delicious journey into the realm of homemade coconut butter.

Creamy coconut butter in a glass

Get ready to dive into the luscious world of shredded coconuts magically transformed into a velvety spread that can jazz up your recipes and leave your taste buds begging for more.

Definition and Significance of Coconut Butter

Okay, so let’s start with the basics. Coconut butter is like the superstar cousin of coconut oil. Imagine pure, shredded or flaked coconut whipped into a luxurious, smooth, and oh-so-satisfying spread.

It’s a one-ingredient wonder that brings a rich, tropical twist to your culinary creations.

But hold on, it’s not just about adding a splash of flavor; coconut butter is also a nutritional powerhouse.

Packed with healthy fats, minerals, and nutrients, it’s not just a treat for your taste buds, but a nourishing addition to your diet.

Crafting Coconut Butter: Effortless Homemade Creation

Are you ready to embark on a coconut-infused adventure in your very own kitchen?

Let’s roll up our sleeves and uncover the art of crafting delectable homemade coconut butter. Trust me, this is a journey you won’t want to miss!

The Solo Ingredient You Need: Shredded or Flaked Coconut

Picture this: a bag of shredded coconut sitting in your pantry, waiting to be transformed into a velvety masterpiece.

That’s all you need – just one humble ingredient. Whether you go for the classic shredded variety or opt for the slightly larger flakes, the choice is yours.

Coconut flakes in a bowl

It’s like a blank canvas for your culinary creativity, ready to be blended into a creamy, dreamy spread that’ll leave you wondering why you didn’t try this sooner.

The Power of the Vitamix Blender: Speed and Smoothness

Ah, the Vitamix – my kitchen superhero and partner in culinary crime. If you’ve got one of these bad boys, you’re in for a treat.

The Vitamix isn’t just a blender; it’s a coconut butter magician. With its high-powered motor, it effortlessly transforms those shredded bits of coconut into a smooth and creamy delight in no time.

Say goodbye to the days of waiting around for your ingredients to come together – the Vitamix is here to save the day.

How to Make Creamy Coconut Butter

Now, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting your own coconut butter. Grab your Vitamix, and let’s get started on this journey to flavor paradise.

  • Blending Techniques and Blade Efficiency

Begin by adding your shredded or flaked coconut to the Vitamix container. Now, here’s where the magic happens – blend, blend, blend!

ingredients in a blender ready to blend

The powerful blades of the Vitamix will start breaking down those coconut pieces, coaxing out their luscious oils and creating a creamy consistency.

  • Achieving Optimal Consistency with the Tamper

As you blend, you might notice some coconut bits sticking to the sides or air pockets forming. No worries – that’s where the tamper comes into play.

Gently use the tamper to guide the coconut back into the path of the blades, ensuring that every little piece gets its turn in the spotlight.

It’s like your coconut orchestra, and you’re the conductor.

  • Customizing Texture: Adding Coconut Oil

If you’re aiming for a silkier, smoother texture, here’s a little trick up my sleeve – coconut oil!

If your coconut butter is looking a tad too thick for your liking, add a teaspoon of coconut oil and blend again.

This not only helps adjust the consistency but also gives your coconut butter a subtle boost of coconut flavor.

There you have it, my friends – a glimpse into the captivating process of crafting your very own coconut butter.

creamy coconut butter in blender

It’s like turning coconut dreams into reality, one blend at a time. But hold on tight, because our coconut journey is far from over.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll unravel more secrets and tips to ensure your coconut butter-making adventure is as smooth as the butter itself.

Stay curious, stay excited, and get ready to amaze your taste buds!

Expert Tips and Techniques for Perfect Coconut Butter

Alright, coconut adventurers, you’ve taken the first step on this buttery journey, and now it’s time to level up your coconut butter game.

These expert tips and techniques will help you master the art of creating coconut butter that’s so good, you might just start calling yourself a coconut whisperer.

The Role of Coconut Quantity and Blender Capacity

Let’s talk proportions. While you’re free to dance with the coconut quantities that suit your fancy, remember this: more coconut means more creaminess.

Aim for at least 6 cups of shredded or flaked coconut in your Vitamix.

You can even go wild and use up to 8 cups if your blender can handle the coconut party.

Flaked vs. Shredded Coconut: Tailoring Texture

Now, this is where your personal preference comes into play. If you’re after a slightly smoother finish, coconut flakes might be your jam.

But if you’re all about that hearty, textured spread, go for shredded coconut. It’s your coconut butter canvas, so pick the one that tickles your taste buds just right.

Overcoming Initial Challenges: Scrape and Blend

Picture this: you’re blending away, and some coconut bits are staging a rebellion by clinging to the sides of the blender.

Fear not! Mid-blend, pause and scrape those renegades back into the mix. This ensures that every ounce of coconut gets its chance to become part of the buttery symphony.

Then, resume blending with a triumphant grin – you’ve got this!

Achieving Desired Thickness: Incorporating Coconut Oil

Coconut butter thickness not quite hitting the mark? Fear not, because the solution is simple – coconut oil to the rescue!

If your creation leans a bit too thick, add a teaspoon of coconut oil and blend once more.

Witness the transformation as your coconut butter finds its perfect flow and becomes spreadable poetry.

Harnessing the Power of Vitamix for Smoothness

We’ve already sung praises to the Vitamix, but let’s dive deeper into its role. You see, the Vitamix isn’t just a blender; it’s the maestro of coconut butter smoothness.

Its powerful motor and well-designed blades ensure that every piece of coconut gets whirled into a creamy masterpiece.

It’s like having a coconut spa day – your coconuts emerge relaxed, rejuvenated, and oh-so-smooth.

By now, you’re not just creating coconut butter; you’re crafting a work of culinary artistry.

Armed with these tips and techniques, you’re ready to take on any coconut challenge that comes your way.

So, my fellow coconut explorers, let’s keep this momentum rolling. In the next section, we’ll unveil the nutritional wonders of coconut butter, proving that not only does it taste incredible, but it’s also a nutritional powerhouse.

Get ready to fuel your body and satisfy your taste buds in the most delicious way possible!

Economic Advantages of DIY Coconut Butter

Here’s the scoop – store-bought coconut butter can be a bit pricey, and who needs that when you can create your own culinary masterpiece at home?

Not only is homemade coconut butter easy to make, but it’s also budget-friendly. With just one ingredient – shredded or flaked coconut – and a trusty high-powered blender (like my ride-or-die, the Vitamix), you can whip up a batch that’s not only fresher but also friendlier to your wallet.

So, if you’re looking to save some bucks while indulging in a scrumptious treat, DIY coconut butter is your answer.

Hold on to your coconuts, folks! We’ve just cracked open the coconut shell on what’s to come.

You’ll be amazed at how a little shredded coconut can transform into a creamy masterpiece. Stay tuned for the magic – it’s just a blend away!

Nutritional Bounty of Homemade Coconut Butter

Hold onto your spatulas, because we’re about to dive into the treasure trove of goodness that homemade coconut butter brings to the table.

This isn’t just any spread – it’s a nutritional powerhouse disguised as a creamy indulgence.

Let’s uncover the secrets of its nutrient-rich profile and the delightful perks it offers.

Nutrient-Rich Profile: Healthy Fats and Minerals

Coconut butter isn’t just a tasty addition to your recipes; it’s a source of nourishment that your body will thank you for.

Packed with healthy fats, it’s like a little gift to your heart and overall well-being. These fats aren’t just any fats – they’re the good kind that your body craves.

And let’s not forget the mineral party – coconut butter is a VIP guest to the mineral extravaganza, boasting minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium.

It’s like a nutrient-packed dance party in every spoonful!

Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) and Health Benefits

Now, let’s chat about the superstar of healthy fats – medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

These are the fats that make coconut butter the health warrior it is. MCTs are like the energizing drumbeat of a tropical rhythm, providing quick bursts of energy and helping you power through your day.

They’re also known to support your metabolism and give your brain a boost. So, with each dollop of coconut butter, you’re not just indulging – you’re giving your body a high-five.

It’s not just about taste; it’s about nourishing your body and delighting your senses. But hold onto your aprons, because in the next section, we’re delving into the culinary playground of coconut butter.

Get ready to discover irresistible recipes that’ll make your taste buds dance with joy. Stay hungry, stay excited – flavor town is just around the corner!

Culinary Adventures with Coconut Butter

Prepare your taste buds for a flavor-packed expedition because we’re about to unleash the full culinary potential of homemade coconut butter!

Brace yourself for a mouthwatering journey that’ll take you from sweet indulgences to savory delights and everything in between.

Get ready to tantalize your senses and create masterpieces that’ll leave you licking your lips and asking for seconds.

Sweet Temptations: Decadent Dessert Creations

Oh, the sweet symphony that coconut butter can bring to your desserts – it’s like a magic wand for your taste buds.

Let’s kick things off with a show-stopping duo that’ll have your dessert game on point:

1. Chocolate Peppermint Slice

Imagine a velvety layer of coconut butter mingling with rich, dark chocolate and a hint of refreshing peppermint.

This chocolate peppermint slice is a treat straight out of your sweetest dreams. The coconut butter adds a luscious creaminess that perfectly balances the chocolatey decadence.

It’s like a winter wonderland on your plate, and each bite is a cozy hug for your taste buds.

2. Zesty Lemon Donuts with Blackberry Glaze

Get ready to take your taste buds on a citrusy adventure with zesty lemon donuts that are kissed by a vibrant blackberry glaze.

Coconut butter swoops in to elevate the flavors and bring a velvety richness to these fluffy delights.

It’s a match made in dessert heaven, and you’ll be savoring every blissful bite.

Picture this: a scoop of homemade coconut butter melting into a steaming bowl of oatmeal, adding a luxurious creaminess that’ll make you feel like you’re on a tropical vacation.

But the versatility doesn’t stop there! Whether you’re whipping up a batch of mouthwatering cookies, crafting a delectable curry, or blending a dreamy smoothie, coconut butter has your back.

It’s like a culinary chameleon, seamlessly blending into both sweet and savory dishes, elevating their flavor and texture game.

Beyond the Sweet: Savory Culinary Delights

Coconut butter isn’t just about satisfying your sweet tooth; it’s a versatile superstar that can shine in savory creations too.

Let’s explore the savory side of things with these culinary wonders:

1. Creamy Curries and Hearty Stews

Say hello to rich, creamy curries and hearty stews that’ll warm your soul and transport you to exotic lands.

Coconut butter adds a luxurious silkiness and a touch of tropical magic to your favorite curries and stews.

With each spoonful, you’ll taste the harmonious dance of flavors that coconut butter brings to the party.

2. Roasted Veggie Elegance

Elevate your vegetable game by drizzling a bit of coconut butter over roasted veggies. The result? A symphony of flavors that’ll make your taste buds sing.

The coconut butter infuses the veggies with a hint of sweetness and a touch of richness, turning a simple side dish into a gourmet masterpiece.

Innovative Uses: Spreading, Toast Topping, and More

But wait, there’s more! Coconut butter isn’t just limited to dessert extravaganzas and savory feasts.

It’s a versatile condiment that can add a tropical twist to your everyday eats:

1. Sumptuous Spread on Toast

Tired of the same old toast routine? Elevate your morning ritual by spreading a generous layer of coconut butter on your toast.

The creamy texture and delicate coconut flavor will transform your ordinary toast into a gourmet treat that’s perfect for breakfast or snack time.

2. Elevating Green Smoothie Creations

Take your green smoothies from basic to brilliant by introducing coconut butter into the mix.

The creamy goodness of coconut butter pairs harmoniously with vibrant greens and luscious fruits, creating a smoothie that’s not only nutritious but also irresistibly creamy. It’s like a sip of paradise in every gulp.

Adding Flavors: Vanilla, Cacao, and Spiced Variations

But why stop at plain coconut butter when you can infuse it with enchanting flavors?

Picture this: a spoonful of coconut butter kissed with the essence of vanilla, adding a touch of sweetness and warmth to your creations.

Or perhaps you’re in the mood for a cocoa-infused masterpiece – cacao coconut butter that’s ready to turn your morning toast into a gourmet delight.

And let’s not forget the magic of spiced variations. Imagine a swirl of cinnamon and nutmeg dancing through your coconut butter, ready to add a dash of cozy to your culinary adventures.

These flavor infusions aren’t just about taste – they’re about transforming your coconut butter into a personalized masterpiece that reflects your unique palate.

Brace yourselves, fellow food explorers, because we’ve just scratched the surface of the culinary wonderland that coconut butter unveils.

With these creative uses, your kitchen is about to become a playground of flavors and textures that’ll have you creating masterpieces fit for a gourmet feast.

Stay curious, stay inspired, and get ready to glow!

Storing and Preserving Your Homemade Coconut Butter

Hold onto your mason jars, because we’re about to unveil the secrets of keeping your homemade coconut butter fresh and fabulous.

It’s like preserving a jar of tropical paradise, ready to delight your taste buds whenever you need a spoonful of goodness.

Room Temperature Storage Advantage

Here’s the beauty of homemade coconut butter – it thrives at room temperature! Unlike its nut butter counterparts, coconut butter doesn’t need the chilly confines of the fridge to stay fresh.

Simply find a cozy spot in your pantry, seal your jar of coconut bliss, and let it bask in the room temperature glow.

It’s a convenience that’ll make your taste buds do a happy dance.

Proper Sealing and Container Choice

Now, let’s talk storage essentials. Your coconut butter deserves a snug and airtight home to keep its velvety texture intact.

Opt for glass jars with a secure lid – they’re like a cocoon of freshness for your coconut creation.

Remember, a happy coconut butter is a well-sealed coconut butter.

Prolonging Shelf Life and Maintaining Freshness

Want to ensure your coconut butter stays in tip-top condition for the long haul?

Consider these simple tricks: avoid introducing moisture into the jar (no wet spoons, please!), give it a little stir if it separates over time, and if you’re worried about an extended hiatus, you can always give it a boost by popping it in the fridge.

But don’t worry, your coconut butter can handle life’s twists and turns with grace.

With these storage tips, you’re armed with the know-how to keep your coconut butter as fresh as the day you made it.

But hold onto your coconuts, because in the next section, we’re diving into the exciting world of coconut butter varieties and flavor infusions.

Get ready to explore different dimensions of coconut bliss that’ll elevate your culinary escapades to new heights.

Stay curious, stay creative, and get ready to tantalize your taste buds!

Exploring Coconut Butter Varieties and Flavor Infusions

Hey, taste adventurers! You’ve conquered the realm of classic coconut butter, and now it’s time to add a splash of variety to your culinary repertoire.

Let’s embark on a flavor-filled journey that’ll take your taste buds on a rollercoaster of excitement.

Unrefined vs. Refined Coconut Butter: Making the Choice

It’s decision time, and it’s a delicious one! Unrefined coconut butter carries the pure essence of the coconut, complete with its natural flavors and a slightly nuttier taste.

On the other hand, refined coconut butter has a milder flavor and aroma, making it a versatile canvas for various culinary experiments.

The choice is yours – do you crave the tropical intensity of unrefined or the adaptable subtlety of refined?

Conclusion: Elevate Your Creations with Homemade Coconut Butter

And there you have it, dear taste explorers – the incredible journey of crafting, savoring, and elevating your creations with homemade coconut butter.

From the simple joy of transforming shredded coconut into a velvety spread to the thrill of exploring diverse flavors and applications, you’ve unlocked a world of culinary magic that’s as versatile as it is delicious.

Summing Up the Simplicity and Delights

In the realm of coconut butter, simplicity reigns supreme. With just one ingredient and a trusty Vitamix by your side, you’ve unleashed a world of creamy, nutritious possibilities.

It’s a testament to the beauty of nature’s bounty and the wonders it can create in your kitchen.

Journey from Novice to Coconut Butter Maestro

Remember when you took that first step on this coconut-infused journey? Look at you now – a coconut butter maestro, crafting, blending, and savoring with confidence.

Your kitchen is no longer just a place to cook; it’s a canvas for creativity and a playground for flavors.

Encouragement to Embrace Homemade Culinary Exploration

As you bid adieu to this coconut butter adventure, I encourage you to keep the spirit of culinary exploration alive.

Let your kitchen be a realm of imagination and experimentation, where every ingredient is an opportunity to create something extraordinary.

Homemade coconut butter is just the beginning – who knows what other culinary wonders await your touch?

If you feel more adventurous feel free to try out my other coconut recipes too, Coconut Crème Brûlée, Lemon Coconut Macaroons.

So, my fellow flavor enthusiasts, go forth and spread the coconut love. Let your creations be a reflection of your passion, your palate, and your zest for all things delicious.

Until we meet again on the next culinary escapade, keep those aprons tied and those spatulas ready. Your journey to flavor nirvana has only just begun!

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is coconut butter?

Coconut butter is a creamy spread made from shredded or flaked coconut. It’s a one-ingredient wonder that’s rich in healthy fats, minerals, and nutrients.

Is coconut butter good for me?

Yes! Coconut butter is rich in healthy fats, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), and minerals, offering benefits for heart health, energy, and metabolism.

Can I add flavors to coconut butter?

Definitely! You can infuse coconut butter with vanilla, cacao, or spices like cinnamon and nutmeg for unique flavor variations.

Can coconut butter be used in both sweet and savory dishes?

Absolutely! Coconut butter adds a delightful twist to desserts like chocolate peppermint slices and lemon donuts, as well as savory dishes like curries and roasted veggies.

How should I store homemade coconut butter?

Unlike nut butters, coconut butter can be stored at room temperature in a sealed glass container in your pantry.

What’s the main takeaway from this coconut butter adventure?

Homemade coconut butter is your ticket to a world of culinary creativity, from heavenly desserts to savory wonders. Embrace the simplicity, explore flavors, and elevate your kitchen game!

Creamy coconut butter in a glass

Coconut Butter

PREP TIME :2 minutes
TOTAL TIME :2 minutes
servings8 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Coconut Butter is the pure, shredded or flaked coconut whipped into a luxurious, smooth, and oh-so-satisfying spread.


  • 6 cups   unsweetened shredded coconut or flaked coconut
  • Optional: 1 tsp coconut oil


  • Place the shredded or flaked coconut into your Vitamix. Cover with the lid and take off the cap, then put the tamper into the opening.
  • Start the Vitamix on high and employ the tamper to push the coconut towards the blades. It might be necessary to scrape the sides during the process, and then proceed blending until it turns creamy.
  • To achieve a silkier texture, consider incorporating 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Transfer the resulting coconut butter into a glass storage container and keep it in your pantry.


Serving: 2tbspSodium: 10mgSugar: 2gFiber: 6gCalories: 198kcalSaturated Fat: 17gFat: 21gProtein: 2gCarbohydrates: 8g
COURSE: Dessert
CUISINE: American
Keyword coconut butter, coconut butter recipe, how to make coconut butter
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.