Chemex Coffee Brewing Tips and Advice

If you’re a coffee enthusiast looking to elevate your coffee brewing game, the Chemex coffee maker might be your new best friend.

This elegant and timeless brewer is known for producing clean, flavorful coffee that captures the essence of your beans.

pouring brewed coffee into a mug

In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey through the art of Chemex coffee brewing, sharing tips, and advice that will help you brew the perfect cup every time.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned coffee aficionado, there’s something here for everyone.

The Chemex Advantage

  • Clean and Crisp: Chemex coffee is celebrated for its bright, clean, and crisp taste. It’s like sipping coffee through a crystal-clear stream.
  • Timeless Design: The hourglass-shaped glass vessel is an eye-catching centerpiece on any coffee lover’s countertop. It’s both functional and visually pleasing.
  • Simple and Sustainable: Chemex requires no electricity, paper cups, or single-use pods. It’s eco-friendly and lets you enjoy coffee the old-fashioned way.

Now that we’ve piqued your interest, let’s move on to the heart of the matter—the Chemex coffee maker itself.

The Chemex Coffee Maker

Components of a Chemex Coffee Maker

To brew the perfect cup of Chemex coffee, you need to be familiar with its components. The magic happens when these elements come together:

  • Glass Vessel: At the core of the Chemex is its glass vessel, which holds the coffee grounds during the brewing process. Its non-porous, borosilicate glass construction won’t absorb odors or chemical residues, ensuring a pure coffee taste.
  • Chemex Filter: The Chemex filter is thicker than most, removing even the finest sediment and undesirable oils. It’s specially designed to fit the Chemex and ensure a smooth, drip-free pour.
  • Chemex Bonded Filters: These filters come in various sizes, but the classic 6-cup version is the most popular. They are pre-folded, ready to use, and contribute to the brewer’s iconic look.
  • Chemex Coffee Grounds: Of course, you’ll need your coffee grounds. Choose high-quality, freshly roasted beans for the best results.
Chemex coffee maker

Why Choose Chemex for Brewing Coffee

What sets Chemex apart from other brewing methods? Here are some compelling reasons to consider:

  • Controlled Brewing: Chemex allows you precise control over brewing time and extraction, so you can tailor your coffee to your taste preferences.
  • Highlighting Flavor: The thick filter and unique brewing process emphasize the bright and nuanced flavors of your coffee beans, unveiling their full potential.
  • Visually Stunning: Let’s not forget the elegant design. Brewing with Chemex is a sensory experience, from the aromatic bloom to the mesmerizing pour.

Now that you’re familiar with the Chemex and its components, let’s move on to the next crucial step—choosing the right coffee beans to match this brewing marvel.

Choosing the Right Coffee Beans

The foundation of great coffee lies in the beans you choose. In this section, we’ll explore why coffee bean selection matters and which types are best suited for your Chemex adventure.

Importance of Selecting High-Quality Coffee Beans

Imagine trying to create a masterpiece with subpar paint. Similarly, your coffee can only be as good as the beans you start with. Here’s why quality matters:

  • Flavor Profiling: High-quality beans showcase diverse flavor profiles, from fruity and floral to nutty and chocolatey. They give you more to work with during brewing.
  • Freshness Matters: Freshly roasted beans retain their flavor complexity. Stale beans can lead to a flat and uninspiring cup of coffee.
  • Ethical Considerations: Opt for beans from reputable sources that support sustainable and ethical coffee production practices.

Coffee Bean Types Suitable for Chemex Brewing

Chemex brewing is versatile, but certain coffee bean types tend to shine when brewed in this method. Consider the following options:

  • Single-Origin Beans: These beans come from a specific region or even a single farm, allowing you to explore unique flavors associated with a particular terroir.
  • Medium Roasts: Medium roasts strike a balance between the bean’s inherent flavors and the roasting process. They’re a safe bet for Chemex brewing.
  • Freshly Ground: Always grind your beans just before brewing for the freshest taste. Opt for a medium grind that resembles kosher salt.

The Brewing Process

Now that you’ve got your Chemex and quality coffee beans ready, it’s time to dive into the art of brewing. Follow these simple steps to brew your own cup of Chemex perfection:

Measuring Coffee Grounds

Start by measuring your coffee grounds. A standard guideline is 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water. Adjust to your taste preference.

Heating Water to the Right Temperature

Heat your water to just below boiling, around 200°F (93°C). Avoid using boiling water as it can scorch the coffee grounds and result in a bitter taste.

Pre-Wetting the Filter

Place the Chemex filter in the brewer with the thicker, multi-layered side facing the spout. Rinse the filter with hot water to remove any paper taste and preheat the vessel.

Blooming the Coffee

Add your coffee grounds to the filter. Create a small well or “bloom” in the center of the grounds by pouring a small amount of hot water (about twice the weight of the coffee grounds) in a circular motion. This allows gases to escape and ensures even extraction.

coffee grounds in the chemex filter

Pouring and Timing:

After the bloom, slowly pour the remaining hot water over the coffee grounds in a circular, spiral motion. Pour in stages, allowing the water level to rise and fall. Aim to finish pouring in about 3-4 minutes.

making coffee in chemex coffee maker

The Science Behind Chemex Brewing

Ever wonder why Chemex coffee tastes so distinct? It’s not just the elegant design; it’s also the science at play:

Filtration Process:

The thick Chemex filter is like a coffee gatekeeper. It traps oils, sediments, and bitterness, allowing only the purest liquid to pass through. This filtration process results in a clean, bright cup of coffee.

Extraction and Flavor Profile:

The Chemex brewing method provides a balanced and nuanced extraction. It brings out the bean’s unique flavor characteristics, highlighting acidity, sweetness, and aroma. It’s like capturing a symphony of flavors in your cup.

Water Quality and Temperature

Importance of Using Clean, Filtered Water

Coffee is about 98% water, so the quality of your water matters. Here’s why clean, filtered water is essential:

  • Eliminates Off-Flavors: Tap water with impurities or strong odors can negatively impact the taste of your coffee. Filtered water ensures a neutral base for brewing.
  • Consistency is Key: Using filtered water keeps your coffee consistent. Inconsistent water quality can lead to unpredictable brew results.

Optimal Water Temperature for Chemex Brewing

Getting the water temperature just right is crucial for Chemex brewing success. Aim for a water temperature between 195°F and 205°F (90°C – 96°C). Too hot, and you risk over-extraction; too cold, and your coffee may taste weak.

Maintaining Consistent Water Temperature Throughout the Brew

To maintain the ideal water temperature throughout the brewing process, consider using an electric kettle with temperature control.

This ensures that your water remains within the optimal range, resulting in a consistently great cup of Chemex coffee.

Choosing the Right Filters

Types of Chemex Filters Available

The choice of filter can influence the clarity and taste of your coffee. Chemex offers several types of filters:

  • Natural Brown Filters: These unbleached filters have a thicker paper texture and can impart a slightly earthy taste to your coffee.
  • White Filters: White filters are pre-folded and bleached. They are known for producing a brighter and cleaner cup of coffee.

Pros and Cons of Different Filter Types

Each filter type has its advantages and disadvantages, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Natural brown filters may add a touch of complexity to your brew, while white filters deliver a more pristine taste.

How to Properly Insert and Position the Filter in the Chemex

Regardless of the filter type you choose, make sure it’s properly seated in the Chemex, with the thicker side facing the spout.

A well-inserted filter ensures an even extraction and smooth brewing process.

Coffee Ratios and Variations

Finding the Right Coffee-to-Water Ratio

The right coffee-to-water ratio can make or break your Chemex brew. Start with a standard ratio of 1 to 1.5 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water.

However, don’t be afraid to experiment and find your sweet spot. Tweak the ratio until you discover the strength and flavor that tickles your taste buds just right.

Adjusting the Recipe for Personal Taste Preferences

Remember, coffee brewing is an art, not an exact science. If your brew is too strong or too weak for your liking, don’t fret.

You can adjust it easily by changing the coffee-to-water ratio. More coffee for stronger, less for milder. Make it yours!

Exploring Different Coffee Recipes for Chemex

The Chemex is a canvas for creativity. You can enjoy your brew black, with cream, or sweetened to your heart’s content.

Try adding spices like cinnamon or cardamom for an exotic twist. The possibilities are endless, so don’t be afraid to experiment and discover your signature Chemex coffee recipe.

Brewing Troubleshooting

Common Issues and Challenges When Brewing with Chemex

Even seasoned coffee pros face hiccups now and then. Common issues include slow drips, uneven extraction, or a bitter taste. Don’t worry; these are part of the learning curve.

Solutions and Tips for Addressing Brewing Problems

Here are a few quick fixes for common brewing hiccups:

  • Slow Drips: Grind your beans coarser or adjust your pouring technique to speed things up.
  • Uneven Extraction: Stir your coffee grounds gently during the brewing process to ensure even saturation.
  • Bitter Taste: If your coffee tastes bitter, your water might be too hot. Let it cool slightly before pouring.

How to Avoid Over-Extraction or Under-Extraction

Over-extraction (brewing too long or with too fine a grind) can result in bitterness, while under-extraction (brewing too short or with too coarse a grind) leads to weak and sour coffee.

Finding the right balance is key to brewing perfection. Adjust your grind size and brewing time accordingly.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Properly Cleaning the Chemex Coffee Maker

Maintaining your Chemex is as important as the brewing process itself. After each use, rinse the Chemex with warm water.

For a deeper clean, use a soft brush to remove any residue. Avoid soap, as it can leave behind unwanted flavors.

How to Clean Chemex Filters

Dispose of used filters and grounds, then rinse the filter holder with warm water. You can occasionally give it a gentle scrub with a brush to prevent any buildup.

Maintaining the Longevity of Your Chemex

With proper care, your Chemex can last a lifetime. Handle it with care, avoid extreme temperature changes, and store it in a safe place when not in use.

A well-maintained Chemex will continue to bring you coffee joy for years to come.

Serving and Enjoying Chemex Coffee

A freshly brewed Chemex is a work of art. Serve it in your favorite cup or mug and savor the moment. Consider adding a touch of cream or a sprinkle of cocoa for an extra special treat.

Pairing Chemex Coffee with Pastries or Desserts

Chemex coffee pairs wonderfully with a variety of pastries and desserts. Try it with a buttery croissant, a piece of chocolate cake, or a fruit tart.

The delicate flavors of Chemex coffee complement sweet treats beautifully.

Savoring the Unique Flavors of Chemex-Brewed Coffee

As you take that first sip, let the flavors dance on your palate. Notice the bright acidity, the floral notes, and the subtle sweetness. Chemex coffee is a sensory journey that’s worth savoring with each and every sip.


In this guide, we’ve unraveled the art of brewing coffee with a Chemex. From understanding its components to mastering the brewing process, troubleshooting, and enjoying your coffee, you now have the tools and knowledge to create coffee that’s as impressive as it is delicious.

Remember, brewing with a Chemex is not just about making coffee; it’s about crafting an experience.

So, go ahead, explore, experiment, and find your unique Chemex coffee ritual. The world of coffee is yours to discover, one delicious cup at a time. Happy brewing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Chemex coffee maker difficult to use?

Not at all! While it requires some precision, Chemex brewing is straightforward and rewarding once you get the hang of it.

What’s the ideal grind size for Chemex coffee?

Aim for a medium-coarse grind, similar to kosher salt, to achieve the best results.

How do I prevent a bitter taste in my Chemex coffee?

Use water just below boiling (around 200°F or 93°C) and adjust your brew time if necessary to avoid over-extraction.

Can I use regular paper filters with a Chemex?

While it’s best to use Chemex-specific filters, you can use other high-quality, thick filters as alternatives.

How should I clean my Chemex coffee maker?

Rinse with warm water after each use, and occasionally use a soft brush. Avoid using soap to maintain its integrity.

What’s the secret to a perfect Chemex brew?

Experiment! Adjust your coffee-to-water ratio, grind size, and brewing time to suit your taste preferences. The perfect brew is your brew.

pouring brewed coffee into a mug


PREP TIME :10 minutes
TOTAL TIME :10 minutes
servings4 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Discover the art of making coffee with your Chemex! Brewing with a Chemex is not just about making coffee; it's about crafting an experience.


  • scoops ground coffee (medium coarse consistency)
  • 40  ounces  boiling water


  • Chemex Coffee Maker
  • Chemex Filters
  • Kettle
  • Coffee Grinder
  • Coffee Scoop


  • Moisten the filter: Begin by wetting the filter thoroughly. Insert the wet filter into your Chemex and pour a small amount of hot water over it. This step serves to both warm the glass and eliminate any paper flavor from the filter. Afterward, discard this initial water.
  • Introduce the coffee grounds: Place the coffee grounds into the already damp filter.
  • Initiate the coffee brewing process: Pour just enough water to completely saturate the coffee grounds, allowing the coffee to swell and bloom for approximately 30 to 45 seconds. Then, gradually pour the remaining water in a slow, circular manner until the top of the Chemex is almost full. As the water begins to drain through, continue adding the remaining water.
  • Savor your coffee: Remove the filter and used grounds from your Chemex, and savor the freshly brewed cup of coffee you've just prepared.


Sodium: 6mgCalcium: 6mgPotassium: 139mgCalories: 3kcalMonounsaturated Fat: 0.04gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.003gSaturated Fat: 0.01gFat: 0.1gProtein: 0.3gIron: 0.03mg
Keyword chemex coffee, chemex coffee recipe, how to brew chemex coffee
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.