Candied Orange Peel

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! If you’re a fan of sweet treats that burst with vibrant flavors, you’re in for a treat yourself. Today, we’re diving into the enchanting world of candied orange peel.

Imagine the zesty essence of oranges transformed into a delightful confection that’s as versatile as it is delectable.

delicious candied orange peel on a bowl

Whether you’re a seasoned kitchen adventurer or a newbie with a curious palate, this guide is your ticket to mastering the art of candying orange peel.

Hold onto your aprons because we’re about to unravel the secrets of this irresistible delicacy.

Picture plump orange peels, boiled in a magical concoction until they turn slightly translucent, and then left to bask in their sugary glory.

But wait, there’s more! We’re about to take it up a notch with a chocolatey twist that’ll make your taste buds dance.

Brace yourselves for a journey filled with sweet surprises, personalized creations, and even a dash of nostalgia.

So, grab your favorite apron, a sense of culinary curiosity, and let’s dive right in!

Candied Orange Peel Ingredients

  • Organic Oranges: The star of the show, providing vibrant orange peels for candying. Organic oranges are preferred for their clean, pesticide-free peels.
  • Granulated Cane Sugar (or preferred sugar): The sweet foundation of the syrup, coating, and flavor infusion for the candied peels. You can choose from various sugars like turbinado, coconut, honey, or maple syrup for a unique touch.
  • Vanilla Bean: The secret ingredient for infusing the syrup with aromatic vanilla notes, adding depth to the flavor.
  • Water: Essential for creating the syrup and for double boiling the orange peels to remove bitterness.

How to Make Candied Orange Peel

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting candied orange peel, let’s set the stage for this sugary transformation.

Think of it as a citrus metamorphosis that turns ordinary orange peels into delightful, mouthwatering morsels.

But hold your oranges – there’s a trick to achieving that perfect balance of sweet and zesty.

Prepare the Orange Peels

  • Gently wash the organic oranges to remove any dirt or residue.
  • Using a knife, slice off the top and bottom of each orange.
  • Score the orange skin from top to bottom, making four cuts without slicing through to the flesh.
  • Carefully remove each section of peel.
  • Slice the peel into 1/4-inch wide strips.

Double Boil to Remove Bitterness

  • Place the orange peel strips in a pot and cover them with about an inch of water.
  • Bring the water to a boil, then drain the peels using a colander.
  • Repeat this process one more time to ensure bitterness is removed.

Crafting the Perfect Syrup

  • Return the double-boiled peels to the pot.
  • Add 2 cups of water and 1 cup of your chosen sugar (e.g., granulated cane sugar, turbinado, coconut sugar, honey, or maple syrup) to the pot.
  • Toss in the vanilla bean for a touch of aromatic magic.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and allow the orange peels to cool in the syrup for 5 minutes.
mixing the orange peels with sugar syrup  in a pot

Let the Orange Peels Dry

  • Using tongs, carefully transfer the orange peels to a drying rack set over parchment paper.
  • Allow them to dry for at least 8 hours, but 24 hours is ideal. The peels should be slightly tacky and soft.
Drying the orange peels

Coat in Sugar and/or Chocolate

  • Once the orange peels are mostly dry, roll them in your choice of sugar (e.g., granulated, superfine) for a sweet coating.
  • If desired, you can also dip them in melted chocolate for a decadent twist.
  • Let them cool and set before indulging.
coating the orange peels with sugar

Store and Savor

  • Store candied orange peels in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a month.
  • For longer storage, keep them in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Now that you have your step-by-step guide and a list of ingredients and their roles, you’re ready to embark on your candying adventure. Enjoy the sweet rewards of crafting your own candied orange peel!

Taming the Bitterness: A Two-Step Elixir

Ah, the bitter truth about orange peels – they can be a tad bitter themselves.

But fear not, we’ve got a secret potion to tame that bitterness and transform it into sweet harmony.

Boiling Away the Blues

Our journey begins with a simple yet magical act: boiling. Grab those orange peel strips you’ve so carefully prepared and let them take a dip in boiling water.

This isn’t just any water – it’s a bubbling cauldron of bitterness-banishing wonders.

As those peels frolic in the water, bitterness melts away like morning mist, leaving behind the promise of something sweeter.

Double Boil, Double Delight

But we’re not stopping at just one round of boiling – oh no, we’re going for the gold with a double boil.

It’s like giving those peels a spa day for their senses. After the first boil, we drain the peels, and then it’s back into the pot for round two.

Why, you ask? Well, this double boil ensures that any lingering bitterness is bid a final farewell.

It’s like sending bitterness on a vacation, leaving nothing but sheer orange goodness behind.

The Sugar Spectrum: Elevating Your Candied Creation

Ah, the sugar saga – where sweetness meets creativity. Brace yourselves, because we’re about to delve into the world of sugars, each one adding its unique charm to our candied orange peel masterpiece.

Traditional and Beyond: Sweetness in Many Forms

Let’s start with the classics, shall we? Granulated cane sugar, the dependable hero of many a kitchen creation, takes the spotlight.

It’s like the little black dress of sugars – versatile, timeless, and oh-so-sweet. But here’s the twist – we’re not stopping at classic elegance.

Oh no, we’re diving into a world of alternatives that’ll make your taste buds tingle.

Say hello to turbinado sugar – a slightly more rustic option that adds a delightful crunch to every bite.

Feeling a touch tropical? Coconut sugar brings a hint of exotic flair, like a culinary vacation to a faraway island.

And let’s not forget honey and maple syrup, nature’s liquid gold, each infusing our candied orange peels with a burst of wholesome sweetness.

Sugar Selection Insights: Unveiling Sweet Secrets

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of sugar selection. You see, different sugars bring different personalities to the party – it’s like inviting a diverse cast of characters to join our candying adventure.

Imagine using darker sugars like coconut sugar. They might slightly darken the orange peels as they dance in the pot.

But fear not – it’s a delightful transformation that adds a touch of caramelized allure.

And then there’s honey, the sweet elixir of the bees. When you choose honey, you’re not just infusing flavor; you’re also embracing a softer, more tender texture that’ll have your peels melt in your mouth like a sweet summer breeze.

Preserving the Essence: Storing the Sweetness

Ah, the art of preservation – ensuring that your candied orange peel creation lasts beyond the initial taste.

Get ready for some savvy storage tips that’ll keep your culinary masterpiece fresh and fabulous.

Extending Shelf Life: Sweet Secrets to Keeping Fresh

To keep that candied goodness in tip-top shape, it’s all about proper storage techniques.

Picture this: an airtight container standing guard in your fridge. It’s like a cozy nest, protecting those sugary wonders from the elements and ensuring their flavors remain intact.

Here’s a pro tip: separate layers of peels with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Genius, right?

But what if you’re thinking long-term? Say hello to your freezer’s new best friend – your candied orange peels.

They’ll happily cozy up in there for up to three months, preserving their flavor and texture for future indulgences.

Get ready, because in our next segment, we’re diving into the grand finale – creating, coating, and savoring your very own candied orange peel delights.

From sugar-coated wonders to chocolate-drenched indulgences, we’ve got a flavorful finale that’ll have you reaching for seconds (and maybe thirds!).

Stay tuned, dear readers, because we’re about to embark on the ultimate candying adventure that’ll leave your taste buds tingling and your culinary heart singing with delight!

Savoring Moments and Sharing Joy: A Taste of Candied Orange Peel Magic

Welcome to the heart of our candied orange peel journey – where moments of joy and delightful indulgence collide.

Get ready to savor the sweetness, and maybe even share a sprinkle of happiness along the way.

Seasonal Splendor Year-Round: A Treat for Every Occasion

Ah, the holidays – a time of twinkling lights, cozy gatherings, and the undeniable allure of candied orange peel.

It’s no secret that these citrus gems take center stage during festive feasts. But guess what? You don’t need a calendar to enjoy this delectable delight.

Whether it’s a sunny spring morning or a crisp autumn afternoon, candied orange peel brings a burst of joy that knows no season.

Picture this: a lazy summer picnic with friends, a spontaneous winter movie night at home, or even a quiet moment to yourself on a rainy day – candied orange peel is your versatile companion.

So, why limit the magic to holidays alone? Embrace the enchantment year-round and let every bite be a celebration of life’s little pleasures.

Thoughtful DIY Food Gifting: Spreading Culinary Love

Now, let’s talk about the gift of giving – and what better gift than a homemade delight that’s been crafted with care and creativity?

Imagine presenting a loved one with a beautifully packaged jar of candied orange peel, each strip shimmering like a golden treasure.

It’s like giving a piece of your heart – a flavorful slice of your culinary passion.

Packaging is where the fun begins. From dainty mason jars adorned with rustic ribbons to elegant gift boxes that exude charm, the possibilities are endless.

Imagine the delight on your recipient’s face as they unwrap your thoughtful creation, knowing that every bite is a testament to your culinary prowess.

Joy of a Personalized Culinary Creation

There’s something truly magical about creating a culinary masterpiece from scratch.

As you craft each strip of candied orange peel, you’re not just following a recipe – you’re weaving a tale of flavors and memories.

Every time you indulge in a piece, you’re savoring a moment of pride and accomplishment.

But here’s the real twist – the joy doesn’t end with you. As you share your homemade candied orange peel with friends and family, you’re spreading the magic, one bite at a time.

It’s like sharing a piece of your soul, a slice of happiness that transcends the boundaries of the kitchen.

And who knows, your candied creations might just become a cherished tradition, passed down through generations.

Whether you’re leaning towards classic elegance or a dash of exotic flair, we’ve got you covered.

So, dear readers, get ready to add that sweet touch to your candied masterpiece and let your culinary creativity shine.

Crafting Your Own Citrus Euphoria: A Sweet Finale

Ladies and gentlemen, here we stand at the threshold of candied orange peel perfection – a journey that has taken us from tangy beginnings to sugary symphonies.

Let’s take a moment to savor the steps we’ve embarked upon and the sweetness we’ve uncovered.

A Journey to Remember

Recall the magic we conjured in our kitchen cauldron. We peeled, we boiled, we simmered, and we infused – all to transform those ordinary orange peels into golden strips of candied wonder.

We embraced the double boil, tamed the bitterness, and crafted a symphony of sweet, vanilla-infused syrup.

With each step, we wove a tale of flavors and aromas that tantalized our senses.

Versatility: From Solitude to Sharing

But it’s not just about savoring these delectable creations solo – oh no, the joy of candied orange peel knows no bounds.

From solo indulgence to sharing moments of sweetness with loved ones, these golden delights have a role to play in every chapter of your life.

Whether you’re cozied up on the couch or celebrating a special occasion, candied orange peel brings a touch of elegance to every moment.

Your Candying Adventure Awaits

As we bid adieu to this candied symphony, let us not forget the sweet rewards that await.

Imagine the satisfaction of crafting your very own candied orange peel, the sense of accomplishment as you present a jar of these golden treasures to a friend, or the sheer delight of biting into a sugary slice of citrus bliss.

So, my fellow culinary adventurers, I extend an invitation to you – embark on your own candying journey.

Let your creativity flow, your taste buds dance, and your kitchen be filled with the sweet aromas of success.

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, the art of candying orange peel is a gateway to a world of flavors, textures, and sheer joy.

More Sweet Treats to Enjoy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is candied orange peel?

Candied orange peel is a delightful treat made by boiling orange peels in syrup until they become tender and infused with sweetness.

Why is honey a popular choice for candying orange peel?

Honey not only infuses flavor but also yields a softer, melt-in-your-mouth texture.

How should I store candied orange peel?

Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a month, or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

What’s special about the simple syrup used for candying?

The syrup, infused with a vanilla bean, adds flavor and sweetness to the orange peels.

How do darker sugars affect the candied orange peels?

Darker sugars like coconut sugar can slightly darken the peels, adding a caramelized allure.

Is candied orange peel suitable for all occasions?

Yes, it’s a versatile treat perfect for holidays, everyday indulgence, and heartfelt gifting.

delicious candied orange peel on a bowl

Candied Orange Peel

PREP TIME :10 minutes
COOK TIME :45 minutes
TOTAL TIME :55 minutes
servings18 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Candied Orange Peel is the zesty essence of oranges transformed into a delightful confection that's as versatile as it is delectable.


  • oranges,  recommend organic as you're eating the peel
  • cups  water
  • cup  sugar,  plus more for coating
  • 1 vanilla bean, optional
  • chocolate,  optional


  • Delicately rinse the outer surface of the oranges beneath the faucet using a vegetable brush.
  • Employ a knife to trim a minute portion from both the upper and lower ends of the orange. Proceed to make four lengthwise incisions through the peel to the pith, ensuring not to cut through the orange itself.
  • With care, detach each section of the orange peel, then cut them into strips approximately 1/4-inch wide.
  • Transfer the strips of orange peel into a pot and cover them with about an inch of water. Bring this to a boil, then strain the peel over a colander. Repeat this process once more.
  • Place the orange peel strips back into the pot alongside 2 cups of water, 1 cup of sugar, and the vanilla bean. Bring it to a boil and subsequently lower the heat to a gentle simmer. Allow it to simmer without a lid for approximately 30 to 35 minutes. The orange peels should attain a slightly translucent appearance, and most of the simple syrup will have evaporated. Turn off the heat and allow the orange peel to cool within the residual sugar for about 5 minutes.
  • Utilize tongs to transfer the orange peel onto a drying rack positioned over parchment paper. Allow the orange peel to dry for a minimum of 8 hours, though ideally for 24 hours.
  • Coat the orange peel with additional granulated sugar, and if desired, dip them in chocolate before allowing them to cool.
  • Indulge in them immediately or store in an airtight container within the refrigerator.


Serving: 4PIECES (WITHOUT CHOCOLATE)Sodium: 0.9mgSugar: 19gFiber: 2.4gCalories: 86.8kcalProtein: 0.3gCarbohydrates: 22.4g
COURSE: Dessert
CUISINE: American
Keyword candied orange peel
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.