Cabbage Soup

Welcome to the wonderful world of cabbage soup! If you’re anything like me, you might have initially raised an eyebrow at the idea of cabbage taking center stage in a soup.

But hold on to your ladles because we’re about to embark on a journey that will change the way you look at this humble vegetable forever.

Cabbage Soup in a pot

Cabbage Soup Ingredients

These ingredients play vital roles in elevating the flavors and textures, creating a symphony of taste in your bowl.

Cabbage Soup ingredients
  • Cabbage: Well, this one’s a given. Cabbage is the star of the show, bringing its earthy, slightly sweet flavor to the forefront. It’s also responsible for the satisfying crunch in your soup.
  • Mirepoix Vegetables: Ah, the mirepoix – a fancy French term for a simple yet indispensable trio of ingredients: onions, carrots, and celery. These aromatic veggies form the flavor foundation of your soup, providing depth and sweetness to the broth.
  • Garlic: Garlic, the culinary superhero, adds a delightful kick of savory goodness. Whether you mince it finely or give it a gentle crush, garlic lends a fragrant and robust flavor that’s hard to resist.
  • Herbs: Fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, and bay leaves are like the perfumers of the soup world. They infuse your cabbage soup with layers of fragrance and subtle complexity.
  • Diced Tomatoes: Tomatoes, with their natural acidity and sweet-tangy taste, add brightness to the soup. They also contribute to the rich, hearty texture you’ll love.
  • Vegetable Broth: Vegetable broth serves as the liquid canvas upon which the flavors of our ingredients are painted. It provides a savory, comforting base for the soup, and you can even find low-sodium options if you’re watching your salt intake.
  • Olive Oil: Olive oil, the heart-healthy fat, is used for sautéing the mirepoix and infusing the soup with a touch of Mediterranean goodness. It adds a smooth, silky finish to the broth.

How to Make Cabbage Soup

Now that we’ve got our ingredients in check, let’s embark on a culinary adventure and create a bowl of cabbage soup that will leave you craving for more.

Follow this step-by-step guide for a hearty and flavorful cabbage soup:

  • Prepare Your Ingredients: Gather your ingredients and give them a quick rinse. Chop the cabbage into bite-sized pieces, dice the onions, carrots, celery, and mince the garlic. Have your herbs, diced tomatoes, vegetable broth, and olive oil at the ready.
  • Sauté the Aromatics: In a large pot, heat a drizzle of olive oil over medium heat. Add the diced onions, carrots, and celery (our mirepoix). Sauté them until they become translucent and fragrant, usually about 5-7 minutes.
sautéing the aromatics in a pot
  • Add the Garlic and Herbs: Stir in the minced garlic and fresh herbs. Let them sizzle for a minute or two until their enticing aromas fill your kitchen.
  • Introduce the Cabbage: Now, it’s time for the star of the show – the cabbage. Add the chopped cabbage to the pot and stir everything together. Sauté the cabbage for another 5 minutes or so, allowing it to soften slightly and take on some color.
  • The Tomato Tango: Pour in the diced tomatoes and give everything a good stir. Allow the tomatoes to mingle with the other ingredients for a few minutes to infuse their flavors.
  • Pour in the Broth: Time to create that comforting broth. Pour in the vegetable broth, making sure it covers all the ingredients. Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer.
  • Simmer and Savor: Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let your cabbage soup simmer away for about 20-30 minutes. This simmering allows all the flavors to meld together beautifully.
Cabbage Soup with parsley in a pot
  • Season to Perfection: Taste your soup and season it with salt and pepper to your liking. Feel free to add a pinch of your favorite seasonings for an extra flavor boost.

With this easy-to-follow recipe, you’re well on your way to savoring a bowl of cabbage soup that’s as satisfying to make as it is to eat. So, roll up your sleeves, embrace the aroma, and relish every spoonful of this delightful dish!

The Health Benefits of Cabbage Soup

Cabbage soup isn’t just about taste; it’s a nutritional powerhouse that can do wonders for your health.

Nutritional Profile of Cabbage

Cabbage, the unsung hero of the vegetable kingdom, packs a punch when it comes to nutrients. It’s like a treasure chest brimming with vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins (C, K): Cabbage is loaded with Vitamin C, which not only boosts your immune system but also promotes healthy skin. And if you’re concerned about bone health, Vitamin K has got your back.

Minerals (potassium): Say hello to potassium, the mineral that helps keep your blood pressure in check. Cabbage is a potassium-rich veggie, making it a heart-healthy choice.

Fiber Content: If you’re looking to up your fiber intake, cabbage is your ally. Fiber is essential for a happy digestive system, and cabbage is chock-full of it.

Low-Calorie and Weight Loss Benefits

Now, let’s talk about a hot topic – weight loss. If you’re on a mission to shed a few pounds, cabbage soup might just become your new best friend.

It’s incredibly low in calories but oh-so-filling. That means you can enjoy a big, comforting bowl of soup without feeling guilty.

Potential Cancer-Fighting Properties

Hold on, we’re not done yet. Cabbage also comes bearing gifts in the form of cancer-fighting properties.

It contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that have been linked to reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. So, think of cabbage soup as a delicious armor for your body.

Improving Digestion and Gut Health

Last but not least, cabbage soup can work wonders for your gut. The fiber in cabbage aids digestion and keeps things moving smoothly.

Plus, it’s gentle on your stomach, making it a soothing choice when you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

In a nutshell, cabbage soup isn’t just a tasty meal; it’s a nutritional superstar that can benefit your body in numerous ways.

But that’s not all – the world of cabbage soup is diverse, with unique variations and preparation methods in different corners of the globe.

So, let’s continue our culinary adventure and explore the various cabbage soup recipes that will make your taste buds dance with joy.

Cabbage Soup as a Dietary Choice

We’ve slurped our way through the goodness of cabbage soup, but it’s time to address an essential question: can cabbage soup be more than just a delicious meal? Let’s explore its role as a dietary choice.

Cabbage Soup Diet – The Concept and Controversy

You may have heard of the “Cabbage Soup Diet,” a trendy and somewhat controversial weight-loss plan.

The idea is to consume cabbage soup for a set number of days to shed those extra pounds. While it can yield quick results, it’s essential to approach this diet with caution.

The Pros:

Rapid Weight Loss: You’ll likely see the numbers on the scale drop quickly, which can be motivating.

The Cons:

Short-Term Solution: The Cabbage Soup Diet is not a long-term sustainable approach to weight loss. Once you return to regular eating habits, the lost weight often returns.

Nutritional Gaps: Relying solely on cabbage soup can lead to nutritional deficiencies. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before embarking on any extreme diet.

Incorporating Cabbage Soup into a Balanced Diet

Rather than viewing cabbage soup as a crash diet, consider it as a valuable addition to your balanced eating plan.

It’s low in calories, high in nutrients, and can be a fantastic choice for those aiming to maintain a healthy weight.

Here’s a tip: Enjoy cabbage soup as a starter before your main meal. It can help control your appetite, so you’re less likely to overindulge in less healthy options.

Dietary Restrictions and Considerations

Cabbage soup is a versatile dish that can accommodate various dietary preferences and restrictions.

Whether you’re vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or on a low-sodium diet, there’s a cabbage soup recipe out there for you. Just tweak the ingredients and seasonings to suit your needs.

Serving and Presentation

We eat with our eyes first, and cabbage soup is no exception. Let’s explore how to make your cabbage soup visually appealing and discover what goes best with this wholesome dish.

Garnishes and Toppings

Garnishes are like the final brushstrokes on a culinary masterpiece. For cabbage soup, consider sprinkling some fresh herbs (yes, more of those fragrant heroes), a drizzle of olive oil, or a pinch of paprika. These simple touches can turn an ordinary bowl into a work of art.

Ideal Side Dishes to Complement Cabbage Soup

Cabbage soup loves company. Pair it with a slice of crusty bread or some warm, buttery rolls.

The hearty, comforting nature of cabbage soup pairs perfectly with the crunch of bread. If you’re feeling extra indulgent, a grilled cheese sandwich is an excellent companion.

Cabbage Soup in Various Dining Settings

Cabbage soup is versatile enough to suit any dining occasion. Whether you’re enjoying a cozy family dinner at home, hosting a casual lunch with friends, or even planning a romantic date night, cabbage soup can fit the bill. It’s equally at home in a rustic kitchen or an elegant dining room.

Storage and Reheating Ideas

Before we wrap up our cabbage soup adventure, let’s explore some insider tips and tricks to ensure your experience with this delightful dish is nothing short of fantastic.

Storing Cabbage Soup for Freshness

If you find yourself with leftover cabbage soup (lucky you!), it’s crucial to store it properly to maintain its flavor and quality.

Transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate for up to three days. For longer storage, freeze it in portion-sized containers. When reheating, add a splash of water to revive the consistency.

Reheating Without Losing Flavor

Reheating cabbage soup is a breeze. Simply warm it on the stovetop over low heat, stirring occasionally to maintain even heat distribution.

Avoid bringing it to a rolling boil, as this can overcook the cabbage and alter the texture.

Creative Ways to Repurpose Leftover Cabbage Soup

Don’t let your leftover cabbage soup go to waste! Get creative by repurposing it. Use it as a sauce for pasta, a filling for savory pies, or even as a base for a new batch of soup with added ingredients.


In our journey through the world of cabbage soup, we’ve explored its health benefits, learned about the essential ingredients and cooking techniques, and discovered the pros and cons of homemade versus store-bought options.

We’ve also delved into the art of serving and presentation and discussed its role as a dietary choice.

Cabbage soup isn’t just a humble dish; it’s a versatile, nutritious, and delicious addition to your culinary repertoire.

Whether you enjoy it for its health benefits, savor it as a comforting meal, or use it as part of a weight-loss strategy, cabbage soup has a place in every kitchen.

So, grab your ladle, whip up a batch of cabbage soup, and savor the warmth and flavor it brings to your table.

From its rich history to its diverse variations, cabbage soup is a culinary gem that deserves a special place in your heart – and on your plate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cabbage soup healthy?

Yes, cabbage soup is incredibly healthy. It’s packed with vitamins (like C and K), minerals (potassium), and fiber, making it a nutritious choice for those looking to boost their immune system and maintain a healthy weight.

Can cabbage soup help with weight loss?

Absolutely! Cabbage soup is low in calories and can be filling, making it a great choice for those looking to shed a few pounds. It’s often featured in the famous “Cabbage Soup Diet” for its weight loss benefits.

What are some key ingredients in cabbage soup?

Cabbage, mirepoix vegetables (onions, carrots, celery), garlic, herbs, diced tomatoes, vegetable broth, and olive oil are some essential ingredients that give cabbage soup its rich flavor.

Is it better to make cabbage soup from scratch or buy it pre-made?

Both options have their merits. Making it from scratch gives you full control over ingredients, while store-bought options offer convenience. Consider your time and preferences.

Can cabbage soup fit into different dietary preferences or restrictions?

Absolutely! Cabbage soup can be adapted to various dietary needs, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and low-sodium diets. Simply adjust the ingredients and seasonings accordingly.

What’s the best way to store and reheat leftover cabbage soup?

Store leftover cabbage soup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. For longer storage, freeze it in portions. When reheating, warm it on the stovetop over low heat, stirring gently.

Cabbage Soup in a pot

Cabbage Soup (Best Recipe)

PREP TIME :15 minutes
COOK TIME :15 minutes
TOTAL TIME :30 minutes
servings4 Servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Cabbage soup isn't just a humble dish; it's a versatile, nutritious, and delicious addition to your culinary repertoire.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1  onion,  diced
  • large carrot,  diced
  • celery stalks,  diced
  • garlic cloves,  minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon   dried basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2  cabbage,  chopped
  • 1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes
  • 4-6 cups vegetable broth, depending how thick or brothy you'd like it
  • 1-2 tablespoons   lemon juice
  • 1/4  cup  chopped fresh parsley
  • cracked black pepper,  to taste


  • Begin by heating the oil in a sizable pot on medium-high heat, then introduce the chopped onions, carrots, and celery. Sauté for about 4-5 minutes.
  • Next, incorporate the minced garlic and spices, giving them a good stir for an additional minute.
  • Introduce the cabbage and allow it to release moisture for 5 minutes, while stirring occasionally.
  • Add the vegetable broth and diced tomatoes to the pot, and let it simmer without a lid for roughly 10 minutes or until the vegetables have reached your desired level of tenderness.
  • Take the pot of cabbage soup off the heat, and mix in the lemon juice, parsley, and freshly cracked black pepper. Give it a final stir before serving.


Sodium: 1409mgCalcium: 103mgVitamin C: 3607mgVitamin A: 3607IUSugar: 10gFiber: 5gPotassium: 511mgCalories: 142kcalSaturated Fat: 1gFat: 7gProtein: 3gCarbohydrates: 19gIron: 2mg
CUISINE: American
Keyword cabbage recipe, cabbage soup, cabbage soup recipe
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.