Baked Plantain Chips

Baked plantain chips are one of the go to option if you are thinking of something salty and crunchy snack.

Hold onto your taste buds, because we’re about to embark on a crunchy, flavorful journey with some mouthwatering baked plantain chips!

savort and crispy looking baked plantain chips in a large bowl

If you’ve ever been on the hunt for a snack that’s both scrumptious and nutritious, you’re in for a treat. Let me introduce you to the star of our show – the humble yet extraordinary plantain.

A Fruitful Twist: Meet the Plantains

Plantains, my friends, are the delightful tropical fruits that are native to warm and sunny regions like the Caribbean and West Africa.

Now, here’s the kicker – they may look quite similar to bananas, but they’ve got a secret!

While bananas are all about sweetness, plantains bring a touch of starchy goodness to the party.

Imagine the best of both worlds – a hint of banana-like taste with a potato-like texture – that’s the magic of plantains!

Unraveling the Mystery of Plantain Chips

Now, you might be wondering, what’s all the fuss about plantain chips?

Well, hold onto your snack cravings, because once you sink your teeth into these addictive delights, you’ll understand the hype.

Plantain chips are all the rage among snack enthusiasts for a reason.

They’re crispy, savory, and oh-so-satisfying – a snack that’s made for sharing with friends and family at your favorite outdoor parties and barbecues!

The Healthier Crunch: Baked vs. Fried

Alright, here’s the scoop – we’re not going to fry our plantains. Nope, we’re going for the healthier route – baked plantain chips!

Why? Because baked chips are like little slices of guilt-free pleasure.

They’re crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and they come with a side of health benefits.

You can now have your chips and eat them too – all without the excess oil and unnecessary calories.

An Irresistible Snack Option

Now, let me paint you a picture. Imagine this: a bowl of freshly baked plantain chips, seasoned to perfection with a sprinkle of sea salt.

The first bite sends a burst of flavors dancing on your taste buds – a delightful blend of sweet and savory that keeps you coming back for more. And the best part?

These chips are not just a delicious indulgence; they’re also a fantastic option for those with dietary restrictions.

Gluten-Free and Paleo-Friendly Goodness

For all you gluten-free and paleo-conscious folks out there, you’re in for a treat!

These baked plantain chips are here to save the day. They’re naturally gluten-free and completely paleo-friendly, making them the perfect snacking solution for anyone looking to enjoy a wholesome treat without any worries.

Finally, a snack that doesn’t compromise on flavor or healthiness!

Join the Flavorful Fiesta

Alright, I must confess – I am 100% ready for grilling season! Aren’t you?

Picture yourself at an outdoor party, surrounded by laughter and good company.

Now, add a big bowl of baked plantain chips to the mix, and you’ve got yourself a fiesta of flavors waiting to happen!

So, let’s fire up those ovens and embark on a plantain chip adventure that’ll have you hooked from the very first bite.

Ready to dive into the world of crunchy goodness? Let’s get this plantain chip party started!

Getting Your Plantains Ready: A Slice of Perfection

ready to slice peeled raw plantain banana

Now that we’ve got the scoop on the nutritional wonders of plantains, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get cooking!

But first things first, we need to make sure we have the perfect plantains to turn into our delectable baked chips.

Let’s dive into the art of preparing plantains for baking, shall we?

Choosing the Right Plantains for Chips

When it comes to picking the ideal plantains for our chip-making adventure, remember this simple rule of thumb – the greener, the better!

Green plantains are your best bet for creating crispy, flavorful baked plantain chips.

They’re firm, easy to handle, and provide the perfect canvas for seasoning and baking to perfection.

Properly Ripening Plantains for the Best Flavor

Ah, the magic of ripening! To reach the ultimate flavor sweet spot, we need to give our green plantains a little time to ripen.

Allow them to sit at room temperature for a few days, and watch as they transform into a beautiful yellow hue.

This is the golden moment when they’re at their prime, offering the perfect balance of sweetness and starchiness.

Step-by-Step Guide on Peeling and Slicing Plantains

sliced plantain on the cooking pad

Now that our plantains have ripened to perfection, it’s time to bring out the knives and work our slicing magic!

But hold on, don’t peel them like you would a banana – we’ve got a different technique up our sleeves.

  • First, lay the plantain on a cutting board, and with a small knife, make 3-4 lengthwise cuts along the ridges. This will create easy-to-follow guidelines for peeling.
  • Gently peel off the skin, revealing the creamy, starchy goodness beneath.
  • Time to slice! For uniformity and convenience, a trusty mandoline is your kitchen companion. With a mandoline, you can effortlessly slice your plantains to the perfect thickness, ensuring even baking and crispiness in every chip.

Explanation of Plantain Ripeness Stages: Green, Yellow, and Black

Remember our little color rule from earlier? Well, it’s time for a quick recap!

Plantains go through a color journey, starting from green, transitioning to yellow, and ending in a dramatic black hue.

Each stage has its unique characteristics and culinary uses.

  • Green: Firm and starchy, perfect for chips and savory dishes.
  • Yellow: Soft and slightly sweet, great for mashing or frying.
  • Black: Fully ripe and sweet, best for sweet treats and desserts.

Optimal Stage for Making Plantain Chips: Light Green

When it comes to crafting the ultimate baked plantain chips, we’re looking for that sweet spot right between green and yellow – the light green stage!

At this point, the plantains are firm enough to slice with ease and are bursting with flavor potential.

Tips for Peeling and Slicing Plantains Effectively

A little kitchen hack for you – using a mandoline to slice your plantains is a game-changer!

Not only does it save time, but it also ensures consistent thickness across all your chips. This means every slice will bake to crispy perfection, creating a symphony of crunch with every bite.

Ready to transform your perfectly ripened plantains into sensational baked chips? Get your mandoline ready, and let’s slice our way to snacking delight!

Crispy Perfection: Baking Techniques for Irresistible Chips

Now that we’ve mastered the art of slicing and prepping our plantains, it’s time to work our baking magic!

Get ready to unleash the flavors and aromas that will fill your kitchen as these delightful chips bake to golden, crispy perfection.

Importance of Choosing the Right Baking Sheet

Before we dive into baking, let’s talk about the unsung hero of our chip-making adventure – the baking sheet.

To ensure even baking and prevent sticking, it’s crucial to choose a high-quality, non-stick baking sheet.

If you have a trusty silicone baking mat or parchment paper, even better!

These little kitchen wonders will make cleanup a breeze, leaving you more time to savor your chips.

Seasoning Options for Enhancing Flavor

Now, let’s talk about flavor explosions! Once your sliced plantains are laid out on the baking sheet, it’s time to add a dash of excitement.

Get creative with your seasoning choices – a sprinkle of sea salt is a classic option, but why stop there? Experiment with a blend of your favorite herbs and spices.

Paprika, garlic powder, or even a touch of cinnamon – it’s your snack adventure, so let your taste buds lead the way!

Understanding Optimal Baking Temperatures and Times

We’ve got our baking sheet prepped and seasoned to perfection, but how do we achieve that golden, crispy goodness without burning our chips?

The secret lies in the art of temperature and timing.

Preheat your oven to around 375°F (190°C) for that perfect balance of crispiness and tenderness.

Keep a watchful eye on your chips as they bake to ensure they reach their full potential without crossing into the realm of overdone.

Golden and slightly browned – that’s our sweet spot!

Importance of Tossing Slices in Oil for Even Baking

Remember our discussion about tossing and turning? Well, it’s not just for dancing – it’s for baking too!

Before they hit the oven, give your sliced plantains a gentle toss in your preferred oil.

Whether you choose the rich and nutty flavor of avocado oil, the tropical allure of coconut oil, or the ever-reliable olive oil – the choice is yours!

By evenly coating each chip with a thin layer of oil, we ensure they’ll bake uniformly, resulting in a symphony of crispy goodness in every bite. Who knew chips could be so melodious?

Preferred Oils for Baking Plantain Chips

Ah, the magic of oils! When it comes to baking plantain chips, we have a trio of superstar oils to choose from – avocado, coconut, and olive oil.

Each brings its unique flavor profile and health benefits to the mix, elevating our baked plantain chips experience to new heights.

  • Avocado Oil: Rich and buttery, avocado oil adds a hint of luxury to your chips.
  • Coconut Oil: Transport yourself to a tropical paradise with a subtle coconut aroma.
  • Olive Oil: A classic choice, olive oil offers its timeless charm to your baked chips.

Baking Duration and Temperature for Crispy Results

Time to reveal the baking secret sauce! For that perfect golden hue and irresistible crunch, your plantain chips will bake to perfection in about 15-20 minutes.

Keep an eye on them as they bake, and when you spot that lovely golden color, it’s time to savor the rewards of your baking prowess.

With the baking techniques mastered, it’s time to let your plantain chips work their magic in the oven.

Your kitchen will soon be filled with tantalizing aromas, and your taste buds will be dancing with delight!

Flavorful Adventures: Exploring Delectable Variations

crispy and crunch looking plantain chips in the prosses of baking

Prepare your taste buds for a whirlwind of flavor adventures!

We’ve mastered the art of baking perfect plantain chips, and now it’s time to elevate the snacking experience with an array of mouthwatering flavor variations.

Sweet Plantain Chips: Adding a Touch of Sugar or Honey

For those who love a hint of sweetness in their snacks, sweet plantain chips are a dream come true!

Just a touch of sugar or honey sprinkled over your freshly sliced plantains can transform them into delectable treats with a delightful balance of savory and sweet.

It’s like having dessert and a snack all rolled into one – a match made in snack heaven!

Savory Options: Experimenting with Herbs and Spices

Savory enthusiasts, rejoice! Now’s your chance to play with a symphony of herbs and spices to create a flavor extravaganza for your taste buds.

Get creative with a dash of paprika for smokiness, a sprinkle of garlic powder for a savory punch, or even a touch of cumin for an earthy twist.

The possibilities are endless, and the results are simply irresistible.

Combining Flavors for a Unique Twist

Why choose just one flavor when you can have them all? Experiment with combining different seasoning options to create your own signature plantain chip flavor.

Picture this – a blend of sweet and savory, a hint of spice, and a dash of tanginess – it’s a flavor adventure that’ll keep you coming back for more!

Exciting Prospects of Enjoying Baked Plantain Chips with Various Dips

Now, let’s talk about the perfect partners in chip-crunching crime – delicious dips!

These baked plantain chips are versatile enough to pair with an array of tantalizing dips that take the snacking experience to new heights.

Recommending Garlic Aioli, Dairy-Free Spinach Artichoke Dip, Best Ever Guacamole, and Hummus.

Are you ready for dip heaven?

Let your imagination run wild as you dip your baked plantain chips into creamy garlic aioli, a velvety dairy-free spinach artichoke dip, or the best ever guacamole that’ll leave you asking for more.

And if you’re feeling adventurous, don’t forget to try the vibrant and nutrient-packed roasted beet hummus – it’s a dip like no other!

Mentioning Potential Pairing with Citrus Shrimp Ceviche for a Delightful Combination

Now, let’s take your taste buds on a tropical escape with a delightful pairing – baked plantain chips and zesty citrus shrimp ceviche.

Imagine the zing of lime, the fresh burst of seafood, and the irresistible crunch of your chips coming together for a flavor combination that’s simply out of this world.

With these flavor variations and dip pairings, you have the power to create a snack experience that’s uniquely yours.

So, let your taste buds lead the way, and embark on a journey of flavor exploration like never before

Nutritional Powerhouse: Plantains at a Glance

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the nutritional powerhouse that plantains truly are.

To give you a better understanding, let’s compare them to their sweet cousins – bananas.

While bananas are famous for their natural sweetness, plantains bring a different set of nutrients to the table that are worth celebrating!

Comparison of Plantains with Bananas

Bananas may be packed with potassium and vitamins, but plantains bring their A-game when it comes to versatility and nutritional value.

They might not be as sweet, but they more than make up for it with their incredible fiber content and impressive levels of vitamins and minerals.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals Found in Plantains

One of the standout features of plantains is their rich potassium content.

Potassium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy heart and supporting proper muscle function.

But that’s not all – plantains also boast a hearty dose of dietary fiber, a nutrient that keeps your digestive system happy and humming.

But wait, there’s more! Plantains come loaded with vitamins A, C, and B6.

These vitamins are like a dream team, working together to boost your immune system, support eye health, and keep your skin glowing.

Who knew that a simple snack could be so nourishing?

Health Benefits of Consuming Plantain Chips

Now, you might be wondering, how does all this nutritional goodness translate to the world of plantain chips?

Let me tell you, my snack-loving friends – baked plantain chips are not just a tasty treat; they’re also a smart choice for your well-being.

Baked plantain chips retain the fantastic nutrients found in their raw counterparts.

They’re not swimming in unhealthy oils like their fried counterparts, which means you get to enjoy all the health benefits without the guilt.

It’s like having your cake and eating it too, but in this case, it’s chips – crispy, satisfying, and oh-so-delicious!

Reinforcement of Baked Plantain Chips as a Healthier Alternative

When it comes to snacking, it’s all about balance, isn’t it? That’s why baked plantain chips are here to save the day.

Swap out those greasy potato chips for a batch of these delectable delights, and you’ll be treating yourself to a wholesome, nutrient-packed snack.

Emphasizing the Absence of Guilt in Savoring This Nutritious Treat

Here’s the best part – you can snack away to your heart’s content without an ounce of guilt.

Baked plantain chips offer the perfect balance of flavor and nutrition, making them a guilt-free pleasure for every snacking occasion.

So, the next time you reach for a handful of these crispy wonders, know that you’re doing your body a favor!

Enjoy Responsibly and in Moderation

As with any good thing in life, moderation is key. While baked plantain chips are a nutritious and flavorful snack option, it’s essential to enjoy them responsibly.

Listen to your body, savor the flavors, and remember that a little goes a long way.

With these plantain chips by your side, you can have a delicious and nourishing snacking experience, one delightful bite at a time.

Stay tuned for the next section, where we’ll uncover the secrets of preparing perfect plantains for baking.

It’s time to slice, bake, and savor the goodness of these crispy delights!

Keeping the Crunch: Storage and Shelf Life Secrets

Now that we’ve embarked on this baked plantain chip adventure, it’s essential to ensure that our crispy delights stay fresh and delicious for as long as possible.

Don’t worry; we’ve got the scoop on all the storage and shelf life secrets to keep those chips at their crunchy best!

Proper Storage Containers for Maintaining Freshness

To keep our baked plantain chips in tip-top shape, the first step is choosing the right storage containers.

Look for airtight containers or resealable bags that will lock in the freshness and prevent any moisture from sneaking in.

The last thing we want is for our chips to lose their delightful crunch!

Ensuring Crispy Texture for an Extended Period

We all know that feeling of disappointment when our favorite snacks lose their crunch.

Fear not, because we’ve got a trick up our sleeve!

With proper storage and a little love, our baked plantain chips can maintain their crispy texture for an extended period, ensuring each bite is as satisfying as the first.

Tips for Prolonging Shelf Life without Additives

Now, here’s the best part – we can prolong the shelf life of our chips without relying on any additives or preservatives.

All it takes is a bit of care and attention to detail.

So, let’s bid farewell to artificial ingredients and say hello to a more natural, wholesome snacking experience!

Common Belief of Consuming Plantain Chips on the Same Day They’re Baked

Ah, the age-old belief that freshly baked plantain chips must be consumed on the same day.

While it’s true that many websites recommend this, I’m here to share a little secret – my own personal experience tells me otherwise!

Personal Experience of Prolonged Freshness for 2-3 Days, Ensuring Proper Thin Slicing

After making countless batches of baked plantain chips, I’ve discovered that proper thin slicing is the key to prolonged freshness.

When the chips are sliced thinly and baked to perfection, they retain their crispy goodness for an impressive 2-3 days.

Yes, you read that right – 2-3 days of snacking delight!

Storage Tips Using a Bag or Container to Maintain Crispiness

Now, here’s how to work your storage magic – once your plantain chips have cooled down completely, gently place them in an airtight bag or container.

Make sure to remove any excess air to maintain crispiness. Store them in a cool, dry place, away from any humidity or direct sunlight.

So, the next time you bake these scrumptious plantain chips, rest assured that they’ll stay fresh and crispy for a little longer.

No additives needed – just a little love and proper thin slicing are all it takes to extend your snacking pleasure!

Snack Smart: Health Considerations for Guilt-Free Enjoyment

Before we take our final bow in this plantain chip extravaganza, let’s dive into some essential health considerations.

After all, smart snacking is all about balance, mindfulness, and savoring every delightful bite.

Calories and Portion Control

As with any snack, it’s essential to be mindful of portion sizes and caloric intake.

While these baked plantain chips are a healthier alternative to their fried counterparts, moderation is still key.

So, let’s practice portion control and savor our chips with intention, making every mouthful a satisfying and guilt-free experience.

Gluten-Free and Vegan-Friendly Snack Option

For our gluten-free and vegan friends, these baked plantain chips are a shining star!

Say goodbye to snack worries and hello to a delightful treat that caters to your dietary preferences. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Addressing Concerns about Carbohydrate Content

Now, I know some of you might be thinking about those carbohydrates, but fear not!

Remember that balance is the name of the game. While plantains are higher in carbohydrates, they also offer an array of essential nutrients that contribute to your overall well-being.

So, feel free to enjoy your chips, keeping in mind that they’re just one piece of your diverse and balanced diet.

Acknowledgment of Plantains’ Cultural Significance in the Caribbean and West Africa

Before we wrap up our adventure, let’s take a moment to appreciate the cultural significance of plantains in the Caribbean and West Africa.

For generations, these incredible fruits have been a staple in traditional dishes, celebrated for their versatility and rich flavor.

By indulging in baked plantain chips, we’re also celebrating a culinary heritage that spans centuries.

Unleash Your Culinary Creativity: Beyond Basic Plantain Chips

Congratulations, culinary explorers! We’ve savored the scrumptious delights of baked plantain chips, but our journey doesn’t end there.

Get ready to unleash your creativity and embark on a flavor-filled adventure with a whole new world of plantain-inspired culinary wonders!

Plantain Nachos: A Delightful Twist on Traditional Nachos

Prepare to be amazed as we dive into the world of plantain nachos!

Swap out the traditional tortilla chips for our beloved baked plantain chips, and you’ll discover a tantalizing twist that elevates your nacho game to new heights.

Top them with gooey cheese, zesty salsa, and all your favorite toppings – it’s a fiesta of flavors that’ll have your taste buds dancing with joy!

Plantain Trail Mix: Combining Textures and Flavors

Let’s take snacking to a whole new level with a plantain trail mix that’s a symphony of textures and flavors.

Imagine the satisfying crunch of your baked plantain chips, mixed with the nutty goodness of nuts and seeds, the natural sweetness of dried fruits, and the playful touch of chocolate chips.

It’s a portable snack that’s perfect for outdoor adventures or an afternoon pick-me-up!

Plantain in Salads and Other Dishes

Who said plantains were limited to snacks? Get ready to see them shine in salads and other dishes too!

Toss some sliced baked plantain chips into your favorite leafy greens, sprinkle them over roasted veggies, or use them as a delightful topping for soups and stews.

The possibilities are as vast as your culinary imagination!


Congratulations, snack adventurers! You’ve mastered the art of crafting delectable and nutritious baked plantain chips – a wholesome, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly treat that’s sure to please both your taste buds and your health-conscious conscience.

From choosing the perfect plantains to exploring exciting flavor variations and pairing them with delightful dips, you’ve unlocked a world of snacking possibilities.

So, whether you’re gearing up for an outdoor party or simply seeking a satisfying snack, these baked plantain chips are here to make every moment crunchy and flavorful.

And let’s not forget about the joys of storage! With the right containers and proper thin slicing, you can savor the crispy goodness of your chips for an extended period – no need to rush through your snacking adventure.

So, my fellow snack enthusiasts, let’s raise our plantain chips to the perfect blend of flavor and healthiness.

It’s time to embark on a crunchy journey that’ll keep us coming back for more. So, grab your mandoline, your favorite seasoning, and let the snacking festivities begin!

Crunch away, and enjoy every delightful bite of these baked plantain chips – a scrumptious and wholesome treat that’s ready to add a little flair to your snacking repertoire!

Frequently Asked Questions

As we approach the end of our baked plantain chip journey, it’s time to address some of the most frequently asked questions that may arise during your chip-making adventures.

Let’s unravel the mysteries, troubleshoot any concerns, and ensure that every batch of chips is a resounding success!

Why are my plantain chips not crispy enough?

Achieving the perfect crispiness can be a delicate balance. Make sure to slice your plantains thinly and evenly. Also, ensure that your oven is preheated to the right temperature, around 375°F (190°C), for that golden crunch.

My chips are sticking to the baking sheet. How can I prevent this?

To avoid sticky situations, use a high-quality, non-stick baking sheet or line it with parchment paper. This will prevent the chips from sticking and make cleanup a breeze.

My chips are turning too dark or burnt. What should I do?

Keep a close eye on your chips as they bake, as oven temperatures can vary. Once they reach a light golden color, it’s time to take them out to avoid over-baking. Remember, a little golden is good, but burnt is not!

My chips are not as flavorful as I hoped. How can I enhance the taste?

Experiment with different seasoning combinations to find your perfect match. From savory spices to a touch of sweetness, the choice is yours! Don’t be afraid to get creative and let your taste buds lead the way.


PREP TIME :10 minutes
COOK TIME :20 minutes
TOTAL TIME :30 minutes
servings4 servings
AUTHOR :Claire Austin
Baked plantain chips are one of the go to option if you are thinking of something salty and crunchy snack.


  • 1 green plantain
  • tbsp avocado oil
  • sea salt, to taste


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Utilizing a small knife, create 3-4 lengthwise incisions on the plantain, penetrating just the peel. Proceed to peel off the skin. Using a mandoline on its thinnest setting, thinly slice the plantain.
  • Place the plantain slices in a bowl and toss them with avocado oil to ensure even coating.
  • Prepare a baking tray by lining it with parchment paper. Arrange the plantain slices on the tray in a single layer.
  • Sprinkle sea salt over the slices and bake for 15-20 minutes or until they attain a gentle golden hue around the edges.


Sodium: 150.6mgSugar: 7gFiber: 1.5gCalories: 89.3kcalSaturated Fat: 0.2gFat: 1.8gProtein: 0.5gCarbohydrates: 19.9g
COURSE: Appetizer
CUISINE: American
Keyword baked plantain chips, plantain chips
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I'm Claire, a food enthusiast, recipe creator, and avid traveler. Join me as we explore delightful recipes and the wonders of world cuisine while embracing the beauty of balance in our lives.